So the function nl2br is handy. Except in my web app, I want to do the opposite, interpret line breaks as new lines, since they will be echoed into a pre-filled form.
< <?php echo strip_tags('Dear<br/>Bidibidi'); ?>
<?php echo nl2br('Dear
Bidibidi'); ?>
I just skipped nl2br()
and used this in another way like this:
$post_content = str_replace('\n',"<br />",$post_content );
and all works fine.
For complete description, please visit to my blog, here:
How to use nl2br and reverse br2nl
An alternative to @PascalMARTIN 's answer:
$string = str_replace(array(
'<br />',
), "\n", $string);
It does not work with multiple white-spaces like <br />
but this should be a really rare case.
If whitespaces are stripped out before outputting the html (for minification), "\n"
, "\r"
, etc. will get stripped out. ASCII encoding will survive the stripping process.
function minify($buffer) {
return preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', preg_replace('~>\s+<~', '><', $buffer));
$nl = preg_replace('/\<br(\s*)?\/?\>/i', " ", $br);
echo "<textarea>{$nl}</textarea>";
You'd want this:
<?=str_replace('<br />',"\n",$foo)?>
You probably forgot to use double quotes. Strings are only parsed for special characters if you use double quotes.
Are you writing '\n'
? Because \n will only be interpreted correctly if you surround it with double quotes: "\n"
Off topic: the <?=
syntax is evil. Please don't use it for the sake of the other developers on your team.