I\'m currently building a Java app that could end up being run on many different platforms, but primarily variants of Solaris, Linux and Windows.
Has anyone been abl
For windows I went this way.
com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean os = (com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean) ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean();
long physicalMemorySize = os.getTotalPhysicalMemorySize();
long freePhysicalMemory = os.getFreePhysicalMemorySize();
long freeSwapSize = os.getFreeSwapSpaceSize();
long commitedVirtualMemorySize = os.getCommittedVirtualMemorySize();
Here is the link with details.
I think the best method out there is to implement the SIGAR API by Hyperic. It works for most of the major operating systems ( darn near anything modern ) and is very easy to work with. The developer(s) are very responsive on their forum and mailing lists. I also like that it is GPL2 Apache licensed. They provide a ton of examples in Java too!
SIGAR == System Information, Gathering And Reporting tool.
Usually, to get low level OS information you can call OS specific commands which give you the information you want with Runtime.exec() or read files such as /proc/* in Linux.
To get the System Load average of 1 minute, 5 minutes and 15 minutes inside the java code, you can do this by executing the command cat /proc/loadavg
using and interpreting it as below:
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(runtime.exec("cat /proc/loadavg").getInputStream()));
String avgLine = br.readLine();
List<String> avgLineList = Arrays.asList(avgLine.split("\\s+"));
System.out.println("Average load 1 minute : " + avgLineList.get(0));
System.out.println("Average load 5 minutes : " + avgLineList.get(1));
System.out.println("Average load 15 minutes : " + avgLineList.get(2));
And to get the physical system memory by executing the command free -m
and then interpreting it as below:
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(runtime.exec("free -m").getInputStream()));
String line;
String memLine = "";
int index = 0;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
if (index == 1) {
memLine = line;
// total used free shared buff/cache available
// Mem: 15933 3153 9683 310 3097 12148
// Swap: 3814 0 3814
List<String> memInfoList = Arrays.asList(memLine.split("\\s+"));
int totalSystemMemory = Integer.parseInt(memInfoList.get(1));
int totalSystemUsedMemory = Integer.parseInt(memInfoList.get(2));
int totalSystemFreeMemory = Integer.parseInt(memInfoList.get(3));
System.out.println("Total system memory in mb: " + totalSystemMemory);
System.out.println("Total system used memory in mb: " + totalSystemUsedMemory);
System.out.println("Total system free memory in mb: " + totalSystemFreeMemory);