Chrome - Fetch API cannot load file. How to workaround?

前端 未结 1 1816
不知归路 2020-12-02 00:05

I have the following two files:


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<p>For chrome you still need <code>--allow-file-access-from-files</code> (and I recommend installing a separate chrome and using it solely for these projects to stay secure), but just shim <code>fetch()</code> for <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> for <code>file://</code> requests:</p>

<pre class="lang-js prettyprint-override"><code>if (/^file:\/\/\//.test(location.href)) {
    let path = './';
    let orig = fetch;
    window.fetch = (resource) => ((/^[^/:]*:/.test(resource)) ?
        orig(resource) :
        new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            let request = new XMLHttpRequest();

            let fail = (error) => {reject(error)};
            ['error', 'abort'].forEach((event) => { request.addEventListener(event, fail); });

            let pull = (expected) => (new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                if (
                    request.responseType == expected ||
                    (expected == 'text' && !request.responseType)

            request.addEventListener('load', () => (resolve({
                arrayBuffer : () => (pull('arraybuffer')),
                blob        : () => (pull('blob')),
                text        : () => (pull('text')),
                json        : () => (pull('json'))
  'GET', resource.replace(/^\//, path));

<p>This shim will;</p>

<li>only activate for html files opened locally (outer <code>if</code> statement),</li>
<li>call the normal <code>fetch()</code> for any url that doesn't specify protocol (and thus non-<code>file://</code> requests), and</li>
<li>will replace absolute paths (<code>/root/bob.html</code>) with ones relative to the current path (since that would dangerously evaluate to <code>C:\</code> or equivalent)</li>

<p>Set <code>path</code> to something else if your <code>index.html</code> isn't actually at the root for the project.<br>
If you need support for init, or anything other than <code>text()</code>, you'll need to add it.<br>
Explicit <code>file://</code> requests wont be fulfilled, that's on purpose, but if you <em>really</em> do know what you're doing, you'll know how to make this work for you, and if you don't you shouldn't.</p>


<p>The following is useful if you're going to be doing this for multiple files. Swap out <code>'./'</code> for <code>document.currentScript.getAttribute('data-root')</code>. Now you can put that snippet into its own file, say <code>filesystemHelper.js</code>, and call like so in the various files:</p>

<pre class="lang-html prettyprint-override"><code><script src="../filesystemHelper.js" data-root="../"></script>

<p>Pretty snazzy.</p>
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