How can I write xml with a namespace and prefix with XElement?

后端 未结 5 1392
北海茫月 2020-12-01 23:31

This may be a beginner xml question, but how can I generate an xml document that looks like the following?

  • 2020-12-01 23:55

    Try this code:

    string prefix = element.GetPrefixOfNamespace(element.Name.NamespaceName);
    string name = String.Format(prefix == null ? "{1}" : "{0}:{1}", prefix, element.Name.LocalName);`
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  • 2020-12-02 00:07

    I hope you will get some useful information from this thread - XElement default namespace on attributes provides unexpected behaviour


    Another FAQ at -

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  • 2020-12-02 00:08

    Here is a small example that creates the output you want:

    using System;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    class Program
        static void Main()
            XNamespace ci = "";
            XNamespace ca = "";
            XElement element = new XElement("root",
                new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "ci", ci),
                new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "ca", ca),
                    new XElement(ci + "field1", "test"),
                    new XElement(ca + "field2", "another test"));
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  • 2020-12-02 00:13
    XNamespace ci = "";
    XNamespace ca = "";
    XElement root = new XElement(aw + "root",
        new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "ci", ""),
        new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "ca", ""),
        new XElement(ci + "field1", "test"),
        new XElement(ca + "field2", "another test")

    This should output

    <root xmlns:ci="" xmlns:ca="">
        <ca:field2>another test</ca:field2>
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-02 00:15

    For XmlDocument it's similar:

    XmlAttribute attribute1 = sessionXml.CreateAttribute("s", "Attribute1", namespaceURI);
    XmlAttribute attribute2 = sessionXml.CreateAttribute("s", "Attribute2", namespaceURI);
    XmlAttribute attribute3 = sessionXml.CreateAttribute("s", "Attribute3", namespaceURI);
    XmlAttribute attribute4 = sessionXml.CreateAttribute("s", "Attribute4", namespaceURI);
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