I am creating a form where I get the fields from the backend. After mapping, I have something like this:
genericFilters: {
iboId: {
After continuing my research I could not find out a way of implementing what I want with @Pipe
, and for a good reason: @Pipe
is not meant to work like that.
I found instead Angular 4's NgComponentOutlet.
I am starting to work with it, but my first example would be something like this:
@Component({selector: 'text-input-ibo-name', template: '<input type="text" name="ibo_name">'})
class TextIboName {
selector: 'ng-my-form',
template: `<ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="TextIboName"></ng-container>`
class NgMyForm {
// This field is necessary to expose HelloWorld to the template.
TextIboName = TextIboName;
This is the basis. Now I just need to see how to apply <ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="TextIboName"></ng-container>
in my *ngFor
(see OP).
If people request it, I can update this answer with more concrete and 'final' code.
This would be my first approach to select the template
for that field that is declared on the mapped JSON
<div *ngFor="let field of genericFilters | dynamicTemplateProcessorPipe">
<ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="{{field.template}}"></ng-container>
The classes TextIboName
, TextIboCode
, TextIboSurname
, etc. Will be declared in a common folder and imported to the current component
, just to have a more abstract approach.
The goal is to be able to reuse these fields throughout all the App. Like this, I will be able to replicate the field TextIboName
in other places without having to Copy/Paste HTML
code or templates
Update 2:
If we move our 'field component', in my example would be TextIboName
to an external folder within another @ngModule
or we simply want to use an external class from another @ngModule
we will have to use NgModuleFactory.
Adapted above code:
selector: 'ng-my-form',
template: `
<ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="TextIboName;
ngModuleFactory: myModule;"></ng-container>`
class NgMyForm {
// This field is necessary to expose OtherModuleComponent to the template.
TextIboName = TextIboName;
myModule: NgModuleFactory<any>;
constructor(compiler: Compiler) { this.myModule = compiler.compileModuleSync(OtherModule); }