I am using this
var abc = jQuery(\'#pl_hid_addon_name\').val();
var atLeastOneIsChecked = jQuery(\'input[name=\"addon-\"\'+abc+\']:checked\').
I tried some of the proposed above methods. However, no one was useful to me. After looking some information, I found the property attribute in jQuery (prop()). And that one works for me, the code is the following:
In my JSF file, I had the following code.
<h:selectOneMenu id="asignacion" value="#{contratosBean.asignacion}">
<f:selectItems value="#{contratosController.asignaciones}"
var="item" itemLabel="#{item.lblAsignacion}"
itemValue="#{item.idAsignacion}" />
<f:ajax onevent="showDialog()" />
JavaScript section:
function showDialog() { if($([id='formContrato:asignacion']").prop("selected",true).val() == 'X1') { alert("function X1"); }else if($("id='formContrato:asignacion']").prop("selected",true).val() == 'X2'){alert("function X2"); }else{alert("Other function");} }
var atLeastOneIsChecked = jQuery('input[name="addon-"'+abc+']:checked').length;
You used the closing " at the wrong place
var atLeastOneIsChecked = jQuery('input[name="addon-'+abc+'"]:checked').length;
Try this -
var atLeastOneIsChecked = jQuery("input[name='addon-"+abc+"']:checked").length ;
Concatenate like this:
var atLeastOneIsChecked = jQuery('input[name="addon-'+abc+'"]:checked').length ;