Is this the cleanest way to write a list to a file, since writelines()
doesn\'t insert newline characters?
file.writelines([\"%s\\n\" % item fo
You can use a loop:
with open('your_file.txt', 'w') as f:
for item in my_list:
f.write("%s\n" % item)
In Python 2, you can also use
with open('your_file.txt', 'w') as f:
for item in my_list:
print >> f, item
If you're keen on a single function call, at least remove the square brackets []
, so that the strings to be printed get made one at a time (a genexp rather than a listcomp) -- no reason to take up all the memory required to materialize the whole list of strings.
Redirecting stdout to a file might also be useful for this purpose:
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
with open('test.txt', 'w') as f:
with redirect_stdout(f):
for i in range(mylst.size):
The simpler way is:
with open("outfile", "w") as outfile:
You could ensure that all items in item list are strings using a generator expression:
with open("outfile", "w") as outfile:
outfile.write("\n".join(str(item) for item in itemlist))
Remember that all itemlist
list need to be in memory, so, take care about the memory consumption.
Yet another way. Serialize to json using simplejson (included as json in python 2.6):
>>> import simplejson
>>> f = open('output.txt', 'w')
>>> simplejson.dump([1,2,3,4], f)
>>> f.close()
If you examine output.txt:
[1, 2, 3, 4]
This is useful because the syntax is pythonic, it's human readable, and it can be read by other programs in other languages.
Because i'm lazy....
import json
a = [1,2,3]
with open('test.txt', 'w') as f:
#Now read the file back into a Python list object
with open('test.txt', 'r') as f:
a = json.loads(
Let avg be the list, then:
In [29]: a = n.array((avg))
In [31]: a.tofile('avgpoints.dat',sep='\n',dtype = '%f')
You can use %e
or %s
depending on your requirement.