I\'m trying to use PHP reflection to dynamically load the class files of models automatically based upon the type of parameter that is in the controller method. Here\'s an e
You could use Zend Framework 2.
$method_reflection = new \Zend\Code\Reflection\MethodReflection( 'class', 'method' );
foreach( $method_reflection->getParameters() as $reflection_parameter )
$type = $reflection_parameter->getType();
method can be used since PHP 7.0.
class Foo {}
class Bar {}
class MyClass
public function baz(Foo $foo, Bar $bar) {}
$class = new ReflectionClass('MyClass');
$method = $class->getMethod('baz');
$params = $method->getParameters();
'Foo' === (string) $params[0]->getType()
I supposed this is what you are looking for:
class MyClass {
function __construct(AnotherClass $requiredParameter, YetAnotherClass $optionalParameter = null) {
$reflector = new ReflectionClass("MyClass");
foreach ($reflector->getConstructor()->getParameters() as $param) {
// param name
// param type hint (or null, if not specified).
// finds out if the param is required or optional
This is a better regular expression than the one from that answer. It will work even when the parameter is optional.
preg_match('~>\s+([a-z]+)\s+~', (string)$ReflectionParameter, $result);
$type = $result[1];
I think the only way is to export
and manipulate the result string:
$refParam = new ReflectionParameter(array('Foo', 'Bar'), 0);
$export = ReflectionParameter::export(
$type = preg_replace('/.*?(\w+)\s+\$'.$refParam->name.'.*/', '\\1', $export);
echo $type;
I had similar problem, when checking getClass on reflection parameter when a class was not loaded. I made a wrapper function to get the class name from example netcoder made. Problem was that netcoder code didnt work if it was an array or not an class -> function($test) {} it would return the to string method for the reflection parameter.
Below the way how i solved it, im using try catch because my code requires at some point the class. So if i request it the next time, get class works and doesnt throw an exception.
* Because it could be that reflection parameter ->getClass() will try to load an class that isnt included yet
* It could thrown an Exception, the way to find out what the class name is by parsing the reflection parameter
* God knows why they didn't add getClassName() on reflection parameter.
* @param ReflectionParameter $reflectionParameter
* @return string Class Name
public function ResolveParameterClassName(ReflectionParameter $reflectionParameter)
$className = null;
// first try it on the normal way if the class is loaded then everything should go ok
$className = $reflectionParameter->getClass()->name;
// if the class isnt loaded it throws an exception and try to resolve it the ugly way
catch (Exception $exception)
if ($reflectionParameter->isArray())
return null;
$reflectionString = $reflectionParameter->__toString();
$searchPattern = '/^Parameter \#' . $reflectionParameter->getPosition() . ' \[ \<required\> ([A-Za-z]+) \$' . $reflectionParameter->getName() . ' \]$/';
$matchResult = preg_match($searchPattern, $reflectionString, $matches);
if (!$matchResult)
return null;
$className = array_pop($matches);
return $className;