The other day I got this annoying oracle error: ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified. Funny thing I wasn\'t trying to access NLS data fil
I have Oracle 10g XE and Windows 7. I resolved this as follows:
Go to Control panel > Regional and language options > Format and set your language.
There are two possible causes:
An attempt was made to issue an ALTER SESSION statement with an invalid NLS parameter or value.
The NLS_LANG environment variable contains an invalid language, territory, or character set.
Unset the NLS_LANG environment variable
Windows - The NLS_LANG must be unset in the Windows registry (re-named is best). Look for the NLS_LANG subkey in the registry at \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE, and rename it.
Linux/UNIX - Here you simply issue the Linux command "unset NLS_LANG"
In my case, I was creating a database adapter in the oracle weblogic console, solve the problem by doing the following configuration. Windows -> control panel -> region: 1. Change the format to English (United States) date format M / d / yy and 2. Change my address to the United States. Perform this configuration because my machine was configured with the Spanish language, then restart the computer and I worked without problems.
You can also just set the NLS config in your oracle settings
In case if above solutions not helped, can try my solution. I just replaced my latest version of Ojdbc14.jar
to an older version Ojdbc5.jar
. It helped me to solve my issue.
After addition of path in Environment variable of Oracle Instant client the Oracle SQLPLUSW goes to Oracle Instant client and for that client it required to set NLS LANG AS American_America.UTF8