I\'m having trouble writing to my Firebase database in my simple Android app. I\'ve set my database rules to be public:
\"rules\": {
\".read\": true,
I've been changing firestore rules instead of DB... Hope it helps to someone dumb like me.
This looks like problem with your google-services.json.
Make sure app name and client id are same as in firebase console.
If you are not sure re-download google-services.json from your project's console and add it your project.
I'm not entirely sure what the problem was, but I just deleted my project from Firebase and recreated it, deleting and installing the new google-services.json and it worked perfectly the second time.
Luckily this is a test app and my database was empty, but if you're in this situation and have valuable information stored in your account, I would recommend exporting it before trying this solution.
Complete Solution:
1). Firstly go to Authentication Tab and select SIGN-IN-METHOD turn Anonymous On
2). Secondly go to Database Tab and write Rule
"rules": {
".read": true,
".write": true
3). Thirdly go to Storage Tab and write following rule
service firebase.storage {
match /b/myapplicationname-f2266.appspot.com/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write;
Note This solution is only for testing purpose with following steps you are giving public permission for Read and Write your database.
Okay I have tried all above solution and failed. After a while I found that my Project has 2 modules and I call firebase in the second module instead of the main one, so the solution is to add the second one to the firebase project too, and it works.
Maybe you should set your rules to: (I had the same problem. It works for me.)
// These rules require authentication
"rules": {
".read": "auth != null",
".write": "auth != null"