I used
but it throws a IOException
as below:
java.io.IOException: Create
How about just calling the main from your java program?
This worked fine for me
Put ant lib in you classpath ( project lib ) and run this code :
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Execute;
Execute exe = new Execute();
exe.setCommandline(new String[]{"java", "-version"});
You're trying to execute "C:/". You'll want to execute something like:
"javaw.exe d:\\somejavaprogram\\program.jar"
Notice the path separators.
I'm assuming this is for an ad-hoc project, rather than something large. However, for best practice running external programs from code:
"cmd /c start " + myProg
will not work if myProg is "my program.jar"
.You can either launch another JVM (as described in detail in other answers). But that is not a solution i would prefer.
Reasons are:
Main reason to do it anyway is, that the other application has no control over your part of the program either. And more importantly there's no trouble with unresponsive system threads like the AWT-Thread if the other application doesn't know its threading 101.
But! You can achieve more control and similar behaviour by using an elementary plugin technique. I.e. just call "a known interface method" the other application has to implement. (in this case the "main" method).
Only it's not quite as easy as it sounds to pull this off.
And this calls for a customized classloader. But be warned - there are some well hidden pitfalls in implementing that. On the other hand it's a great exercise.
So, take your pick: either quick and dirty or hard but rewarding.
I had to do this recently.
Here is how I did it, picking up only the relevant parts:
private static final String[] straJavaArgs =
// ...
// AppDesc appToRun;
List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>();
// Java exe and parameters
// Common VM arguments
// Specific VM arguments
// The program to run
// Its arguments
// The common arguments
ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(params);
process = processBuilder.start();
return CaptureProcessOutput(); // Uses a StreamGobbler class
protected ArrayList<String> ExpandStrings(String[] stra)
ArrayList<String> alResult = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < stra.length; i++)
// Super flexible, eh? Ad hoc for the current task, at least...
.replaceAll("\\?i", strInstallDir)
.replaceAll("\\?c", strConfigDir)
return alResult;
public enum AppDesc
// Enumerate the applications to run, with their parameters
Incomplete, if you need more details, just ask.
I can't remember the exact code that I used to get this to work, but you have to pass "java.exe" (or the equivalent) as the executable, and then the class or jar to run as the parameter, with the correct working directory. So it's not as simple as just calling one method.