I m running a java program from a batch file which refences some external jar files .How do i include those jar files in my batch file.Please help
You need to set classpath http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.3/docs/tooldocs/win32/classpath.html. E.g.,
java -cp file1.jar;file2.jar yourApp
or if your jar-files are located in directory lib/
java -cp lib/* yourApp
Sorry, I dont know others IDE, but works with me on Eclipse.
Right click on your project, select
Properties/ Java Build Path/ Libraries/ Classpath/ Add External JARs...
Then choose whatever files you need :v
Not to bother with -classpath parameter you could put references to the jar files into the manifest.mf of your application JAR, if it's you application of course.
Adding Classes to the JAR File's Classpath
You have to fill the Class-Path parameter of the manifest file of the JAR. The standard documentation explains that very well.
When running a jar or class file specify classpath option
Look at the Sun's official documentation: Setting the class path to understand your options.
A quick way would be just to include your JAR(s) after the -cp
java -cp C:\java\MyClasses\myclasses.jar;C:\java\MyClasses\myclassesAnother.jar utility.myapp.Cool
java -cp /opt/thirdparty/myclasses.jar:/opt/thirdparty/myclassesAnother.jar utility.myapp.Cool