This answer tells which HTML elements can receive focus. Is there a jQuery selector that matches exactly these elements?
For now I\'m just using $(\'input,sele
In jQuery not exists the selector you're finding.
If you're already using jQueryUI, you can use :focusable selector.
Another simple, but complete, jQuery selector could be this one:
$('a[href], area[href], input, select, textarea, button, iframe, object, embed, *[tabindex], *[contenteditable]')
.not('[tabindex=-1], [disabled], :hidden')
I have a relatively simple solution that returns all tabbable children, in their tab order, without using jQuery.
function tabbable(el) {
return [][
]), function(el, i) { return { el, i } }).
filter(function(e) {
return e.el.tabIndex >= 0 && !e.el.disabled && e.el.offsetParent; }).
sort(function(a,b) {
return a.el.tabIndex === b.el.tabIndex ? a.i - b.i : (a.el.tabIndex || 9E9) - (b.el.tabIndex || 9E9); });
For IE, consider implementing a different visibility check than e.el.offsetParent
. jQuery can help you here.
If you don't need the elements sorted, leave out the call to sort()
You could check for elements that have the focus()
$('*').each(function() {
if(typeof this.focus == 'function') {
// Do something with this element
}) ;
Thinking a little more, it would probably makes sense to have *:visible
rather than just *
as the selector for most applications of this.
Instead of getting a list of focusable elements, you may want to try setting up a focus handler at the body
element that captures focus events.
$(document.body).on("focus", "*", function(e) {
//Scroll to
var allElementsThatCanBeFocused = $(':focusable');