I have what should be a simple reshaping problem, but I can\'t figure it out. Part of my data looks like this:
foo <- structure(list(grade = c(3, 3, 4, 4,
It is not as pretty as reshape, but
data.frame(grade = foo[2 * (1:(nrow(foo)/2)),]$grade,
SS = foo[foo$var.type == "SS", ]$var.val,
SE = foo[foo$var.type == "SE", ]$var.val )
grade SS SE
1 3 120 47
2 4 120 46
3 5 120 46
4 6 120 47
5 7 120 46
6 8 120 46
7 3 120 12
8 4 120 14
9 5 120 16
10 6 120 20
You have to assume the data comes in pairs of rows for this.
# First we add a grouping variable to deal with the duplicates
foo <- ddply(foo, .(grade, var.type), function(x) { x$group <- 1:nrow(x); x })
dcast(foo, grade + group ~ var.type, value.var= "var.val")[-2]
grade SE SS
1 3 47 120
2 3 12 120
3 4 46 120
4 4 14 120
5 5 46 120
6 5 16 120
7 6 47 120
8 6 20 120
9 7 46 120
10 8 46 120
If you want to reshape and you have duplicates, you're going to need to give each pair a unique id:
foorle <- rle(foo$grade)
fooids <- rep(seq_len(length(foorle$values)), times=foorle$lengths)
[1] 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10
Now you'll be able to use reshape properly:
idfoo <- cbind(id=fooids, foo)
dcast(idfoo, id+grade~var.type, value.var="var.val")
id grade SE SS
1 1 3 47 120
2 2 4 46 120
3 3 5 46 120
4 4 6 47 120
5 5 7 46 120
6 6 8 46 120
7 7 3 12 120
8 8 4 14 120
9 9 5 16 120
10 10 6 20 120
EDIT: Please note I'm assuming your data is in order, else you'll have problems distinguishing between duplicates. If it isn't, you can always use order
so that it is.
If you don't have any duplicates, this will work nicely:
ss <- subset(foo, var.type=='SS')
se <- subset(foo, var.type=='SE')
ss <- data.frame(grade=ss$grade,SS=ss$var.val)
se <- data.frame(grade=se$grade,SE=se$var.val)
bar <- merge(ss,se,by='grade')