How can I determine the Windows default browser (at the top of the start menu)?
I am using VB6 but can probably adapt other code no problem.
There are simila
Default browsers are usually set on a per user basis. Have you tried HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead? Shows up on mine under there correctly.
Tested in Windows 7 x64: This is a two step process. The user's default browser is in key:
Common browser Key Name:
Replace <KEY NAME>
below with one of the values above to find the executable:
HKCR\<KEY NAME>\shell\open\command
Autohotkey script to display the default browser path and executable:
MsgBox % "Default browser: " Browser()
; Find the Registry key name for the default browser
RegRead, BrowserKeyName, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.html\UserChoice, Progid
; Find the executable command associated with the above Registry key
RegRead, BrowserFullCommand, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, %BrowserKeyName%\shell\open\command
; The above RegRead will return the path and executable name of the brower contained within qoutes and optional parameters
; We only want the text contained inside the first set of quotes which is the path and executable
; Find the ending quote position (we know the beginning quote is in position 0 so start searching at position 1)
StringGetPos, pos, BrowserFullCommand, ",,1
; Decrement by one for the StringMid to work correctly
pos := --pos
; Extract and return the path and executable of the browser
StringMid, BrowserPathandEXE, BrowserFullCommand, 2, %pos%
Return BrowserPathandEXE
is the current user's handler for the HTTP protocol (which means "default browser"; NOTE: this is NOT the same thing as the .html
default handler!).
However, it is possible to have a different browser at the top of Start Menu without changing the default. FYI, the browser executable name in Start menu is stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Clients\StartMenuInternet\(Default)