No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it?

后端 未结 28 2045
北荒 2020-11-22 01:27

Sometimes I get the following error while I was doing HttpWebRequest to a WebService. I copied my code below too.

System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect         

  • 2020-11-22 01:53

    This happened to me too.. Sometimes when I open my project this error shown up which was frustrating. The problem was that sometimes the port-number of web service was changing unexpectedly.

    This problem usually happens when you have more than one copies of the project

    My project was calling the Web service with a specific port number which I assigned in the Web.Config file of my main project file. As the port number changed unexpectedly, the browser was unable to find the Web service and throwing that error.

    I solved this by following the below steps: (Visual Studio 2010)

    Go to Properties of the Web service project --> click on Web tab --> In Servers section --> Check Specific port and then assign the standard port number by which your main project is calling the web service.

    I hope this will solve the problem.

    Cheers :)

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  • 2020-11-22 01:53

    One more possibility --

    Make sure you're trying to open the same IP address as where you're listening. My server app was listening to the host machine's IP address using IPv6, but the client was attempting to connect on the host machine's IPv4 address.

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  • 2020-11-22 01:54

    There is a service called "SQL Server Browser" that provides SQL Server connection information to clients.

    In my case, none of the existing solutions worked because this service was not running. I resumed it and everything went back to working perfectly.

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  • 2020-11-22 01:55

    I had the same error with my WCF service using Net TCP binding, but resolved after starting the below services in my case.



    Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service

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  • 2020-11-22 01:55

    I've received this error from referencing services located on a WCFHost from my web tier. What worked for me may not apply to everyone, but I'm leaving this answer for those whom it may. The port number for my WCFHost was randomly updated by IIS, I simply had to update the end routes to the svc references in my web config. Problem solved.

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  • 2020-11-22 01:58

    I was facing this issue today. Mine was Asp.Net Core API and it uses Postgresql as the database. We have configured this database as a Docker container. So the first step I did was to check whether I am able to access the database or not. To do that I searched for PgAdmin in the start as I have configured the same. Clicking on the resulted application will redirect you to the There you can try access your database on the left menu. For me I was getting an error as in the below image.

    Enter the password and try whether you are able to access it or not. For me it was not working. As it is a Docker container, I decided to restart my Docker desktop, to do that right click on the docker icon in the task bar and click restart.

    Once after restarting the Docker, I was able to login and see the Database and also the error was gone when I restart the application in Visual Studio.

    Hope it helps.

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