I have an activity which creates an object instance of my class:
file MyActivity.java:
public class MyActivity extends Activity {
TextView myView = (Text
Could work using an interface
file MyActivity.java:
public class MyActivity extends Activity implements Points.MyListener {
TextView myView;
... onCreate(...){
myView = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.myView);
Points myPoints = new Points();
//pass in MyActivity's instance of the listener
public void updateTextView(String message){
file Points.java:
public class Points {
public Points(){
public interface MyListener{
void updateTextView(String message);
MyListener myListener;
public void addListener(MyListener listener){
myListener = listener;
public void updatePoints(){
//do some operations in calculatePoints()
String points = calculatePoints();
//update views using MyActivity's implementation of updateTextView()
Doing it this way, events
can be fired / messages sent, for lack of better terms, from the external class to update the Activity UI. This might be overkill if all sb need is to call a method in the Points class that returns something