This is driving me crazy. I have a library I source from multiple scripts, which contains the following function:
function lib_open_dataset([string] $sql) {
You can use the comma operator to wrap the rows collection in an array so that when the array is unrolled you wind up with the original rows collection e.g.:
function lib_open_table([string] $sql) {
$ds = lib_open_dataset $sql
return ,$ds.Tables[0]
Essentially you can't prevent PowerShell from unrolling arrays/collections. The best you can do is workaround that behavior by wrapping the array/collection within another, single element array.
PowerShell special-cases the DataTable internally. It does not implement any of the usual suspect interfaces like ICollection, IList or IEnumerable which normally trigger the unrolling. You can dig into this a bit with:
PS> $dt = new-object data.datatable
PS> $dt -is [collections.ienumerable]
PS> $e = [management.automation.languageprimitives]::GetEnumerator($dt)
PS> $e.gettype()
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
False False RBTreeEnumerator System.ValueType
Oh yes, I've been struggeling with this one too until I got this post..(tnxs Keith !)
2 things you need to indeed focus on a) prepend your returned object with the comma indeed b) when you're filling your adaptor, make sure to either assign the outcome to a (disposalble) variable or do an Out-Null
I didn't do the Out-Null and even with a prepended comma, I kept getting a collection back (item 0= number of rows from the query, item1= the datatable) Drove my a bit crazy until I picked the Out-null parameter out.
Very weird IMHO, as I'm asking specifically to return the datatable but kept getting the collection back, even with the "," in front
function Oracleconnection
Write-Host "error occured on oracle connection"
Write-Host $_
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(“System.Data.OracleClient”) | out-null
$connection = new-object `
(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=myservicename)));User Id=myid;Password=mypassword;");
$query = "SELECT country, asset FROM table "
$set = new-object
$adapter = new-object ($query, $connection)
$adapter.Fill($set) | Out-Null
$table = new-object
$table = $set.Tables[0]
return ,$table