How to POST raw whole JSON in the body of a Retrofit request?

前端 未结 23 2385
面向向阳花 2020-11-22 00:57

This question may have been asked before but no it was not definitively answered. How exactly does one post raw whole JSON inside the body of a Retrofit request?


  • 2020-11-22 01:40

    I tried this: When you are creating your Retrofit instance, add this converter factory to the retrofit builder:

    gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder().serializeNulls()     
    your_retrofit_instance = Retrofit.Builder().addConverterFactory( GsonConverterFactory.create( gsonBuilder.create() ) )
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 01:40

    ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ Working Solution ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅

    While creating OkHttpClient that will be used for Retrofit.

    add an Interceptor like this.

     private val httpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
            .addInterceptor (other interceptors)
            //This Interceptor is the main logging Interceptor
            .addInterceptor { chain ->
                val request = chain.request()
                val jsonObj = JSONObject(Gson().toJson(request))
                val requestBody = (jsonObj
                ?.getJSONObject("class retrofit2.Invocation")
                ?.getJSONArray("arguments")?.get(0) ?: "").toString()
                val url = jsonObj?.getJSONObject("url")?.getString("url") ?: ""
                Timber.d("gsonrequest request url: $url")
                Timber.d("gsonrequest body :$requestBody")
            // Add other configurations

    Now your every Retrofit call's URL and request body will be logged in Logcat. Filter it by "gsonrequest"

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 01:42

    Solved my problem based on TommySM answer (see previous). But I didn't need to make login, I used Retrofit2 for testing https GraphQL API like this:

    1. Defined my BaseResponse class with the help of json annotations (import jackson.annotation.JsonProperty).

      public class MyRequest {
          private String query;
          private String operationName;
          private String variables;
          public void setQuery(String query) {
              this.query = query;
          public void setOperationName(String operationName) {
              this.operationName = operationName;
          public void setVariables(String variables) {
              this.variables = variables;
    2. Defined the call procedure in the interface:

      Call<BaseResponse> apicall(@Body RequestBody params);
    3. Called apicall in the body of test: Create a variable of MyRequest type (for example "myLittleRequest").

      Map<String, Object> jsonParams = convertObjectToMap(myLittleRequest);
      RequestBody body = 
           RequestBody.create(okhttp3.MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8"),
                          (new JSONObject(jsonParams)).toString());
      response = hereIsYourInterfaceName().apicall(body).execute();
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 01:44

    Based on the top answer, I have a solution to not have to make POJOs for every request.

    Example, I want to post this JSON.

        "data" : {
            "mobile" : "qwer",
            "password" : "qwer"
        "commom" : {}

    then, I create a common class like this:

    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    public class WRequest {
        Map<String, Object> data;
        Map<String, Object> common;
        public WRequest() {
            data = new HashMap<>();
            common = new HashMap<>();

    Finally, when I need a json

    WRequest request = new WRequest();"type", type);"page", page);

    The request marked annotation @Body then can pass to Retrofit.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 01:46

    Add ScalarsConverterFactory to retrofit:

    in gradle:


    your retrofit:

    retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

    change your call interface @Body parameter to String, don't forget to add @Headers("Content-Type: application/json"):

    @Headers("Content-Type: application/json")
    Call<List<Users>> getUsers(@Body String rawJsonString);

    now you can post raw json.

    0 讨论(0)
  • I wanted to compare speed of volley and retrofit for sending and receiving data I wrote below code (for retrofit part)

    first dependency:

    dependencies {
         implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.4.0'
         implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.4.0'

    Then interface:

     public interface IHttpRequest {
        String BaseUrl="";
        Call<JsonElement> register(@Body HashMap registerApiPayload);

    and a function to set parameters to post data to server(In MainActivity):

    private void Retrofit(){
        Retrofit retrofitRequest = new Retrofit.Builder()
        // set data to send
        HashMap<String,String> SendData =new HashMap<>();
        final IHttpRequest request=retrofitRequest.create(IHttpRequest.class);
        request.register(SendData).enqueue(new Callback<JsonElement>() {
            public void onResponse(Call<JsonElement> call, Response<JsonElement> response) {
                if (response.isSuccessful()){
            public void onFailure(Call<JsonElement> call, Throwable t) {

    And I found Retrofit faster than volley in my case.

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