I know that you can insert multiple rows at once, is there a way to update multiple rows at once (as in, in one query) in MySQL?
Edit: For example I have the followi
You can alias the same table to give you the id's you want to insert by (if you are doing a row-by-row update:
UPDATE table1 tab1, table1 tab2 -- alias references the same table
col1 = 1
,col2 = 2
. . .
tab1.id = tab2.id;
Additionally, It should seem obvious that you can also update from other tables as well. In this case, the update doubles as a "SELECT" statement, giving you the data from the table you are specifying. You are explicitly stating in your query the update values so, the second table is unaffected.
UPDATE table1, table2 SET table1.col1='value', table2.col1='value' WHERE table1.col3='567' AND table2.col6='567'
This should work for ya.
There is a reference in the MySQL manual for multiple tables.
UPDATE `your_table` SET
`something` = IF(`id`="1","new_value1",`something`), `smth2` = IF(`id`="1", "nv1",`smth2`),
`something` = IF(`id`="2","new_value2",`something`), `smth2` = IF(`id`="2", "nv2",`smth2`),
`something` = IF(`id`="4","new_value3",`something`), `smth2` = IF(`id`="4", "nv3",`smth2`),
`something` = IF(`id`="6","new_value4",`something`), `smth2` = IF(`id`="6", "nv4",`smth2`),
`something` = IF(`id`="3","new_value5",`something`), `smth2` = IF(`id`="3", "nv5",`smth2`),
`something` = IF(`id`="5","new_value6",`something`), `smth2` = IF(`id`="5", "nv6",`smth2`)
// You just building it in php like
$q = 'UPDATE `your_table` SET ';
foreach($data as $dat){
$q .= '
`something` = IF(`id`="'.$dat->id.'","'.$dat->value.'",`something`),
`smth2` = IF(`id`="'.$dat->id.'", "'.$dat->value2.'",`smth2`),';
$q = substr($q,0,-1);
So you can update hole table with one query
You may also be interested in using joins on updates, which is possible as well.
Update someTable Set someValue = 4 From someTable s Inner Join anotherTable a on s.id = a.id Where a.id = 4
-- Only updates someValue in someTable who has a foreign key on anotherTable with a value of 4.
Edit: If the values you are updating aren't coming from somewhere else in the database, you'll need to issue multiple update queries.
Why does no one mention multiple statements in one query?
In php, you use multi_query
method of mysqli instance.
From the php manual
MySQL optionally allows having multiple statements in one statement string. Sending multiple statements at once reduces client-server round trips but requires special handling.
Here is the result comparing to other 3 methods in update 30,000 raw. Code can be found here which is based on answer from @Dakusan
Transaction: 5.5194580554962
Insert: 0.20669293403625
Case: 16.474853992462
Multi: 0.0412278175354
As you can see, multiple statements query is more efficient than the highest answer.
If you get error message like this:
PHP Warning: Error while sending SET_OPTION packet
You may need to increase the max_allowed_packet
in mysql config file which in my machine is /etc/mysql/my.cnf
and then restart mysqld.