I wanted to export my projects to Android Studio but Eclipse is not getting updated...
So far I\'ve added a s in http to the url of the update source, moved ADT outs
Hopefully the issue is long resolved. I faced similar issues while updating my ADT 21 to 22 with Ubuntu 12.10
I just launched ADT from command line as a SUPERUSER and then tried the same:
Help > Install New Software > ADT Update site
and voila, the issue was gone.
Well, I just got tired of fiddling with eclipse, so I completely erased it and reinstalled it with the pluings needed and end of story, I'm pretty sick of Eclipse breaking on me every time I have to update it.
So the easiest and quickest way is reinstall. Sometimes, trying to fix something is futile.
i think the problem with eclipse. previously ur downloaded bundle of android sdk manager. it it's ture means, plz u can download superate ecplise and install and use existing sdk for that. ur prob ll solve
Go to help, install new software and select from the dropdown Android Developers Tools it also has the https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/ link next to it. After that Select the updates that will appear below.
Then CLick Next, Choose Accept and Finish. This will download the updates.
OR Alternatively add the ADT again as you did initially by giving the name, and specifying the url as https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/
Hope it works!
To add to the accepted answer, this didn't work for me until I unchecked "Contact all update sites during install to find required software" in the Install dialog when I did "Install new software".
Uncheck "Contact all update sites during install to find required software". See: Can not install Android ADT 21.1 on eclipse Juno (Windows 7) after upadate to SDK 21.1