I have to make a function in JavaScript that removes all duplicated letters in a string. So far I\'ve been able to do this: If I have the word \"anaconda\" it shows me as a
var str = 'anaconda'.split('');
var rmDup = str.filter(function(val, i, str){
return str.lastIndexOf(val) === str.indexOf(val);
console.log(rmDup); //prints ["c", "o", "d"]
Please verify here: https://jsfiddle.net/jmgy8eg9/1/
Just wanted to add my solution for fun:
function removeDoubles(string) {
var mapping = {};
var newString = '';
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
if (!(string[i] in mapping)) {
newString += string[i];
mapping[string[i]] = true;
return newString;
I have 3 loopless, one-line approaches to this.
Approach 1 - removes duplicates, and preserves original character order:
var str = "anaconda";
var newstr = str.replace(new RegExp("[^"+str.split("").sort().join("").replace(/(.)\1+/g, "").replace(/[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g, "\\$&")+"]","g"),"");
Approach 2 - removes duplicates but does NOT preserve character order, but may be faster than Approach 1 because it uses less Regular Expressions:
var str = "anaconda";
var newstr = str.split("").sort().join("").replace(/(.)\1+/g, "");
Approach 3 - removes duplicates, but keeps the unique values (also does not preserve character order):
var str = "anaconda";
var newstr = str.split("").sort().join("").replace(/(.)(?=.*\1)/g, "");
function RemDuplchar(str)
var index={},uniq='',i=0;
if (!index[str[i]])
return uniq;
Just came across a similar issue (finding the duplicates). Essentially, use a hash to keep track of the character occurrence counts, and build a new string with the "one-hit wonders":
function oneHitWonders(input) {
var a = input.split('');
var l = a.length;
var i = 0;
var h = {};
var r = "";
while (i < l) {
h[a[i]] = (h[a[i]] || 0) + 1;
i += 1;
for (var c in h) {
if (h[c] === 1) {
r += c;
return r;
var a = "anaconda";
var b = oneHitWonders(a); // b === "cod"
We can remove the duplicate or similar elements in string using for
loop and extracting string methods like slice
, substring
, substr
Example if you want to remove duplicate elements such as aababbafabbb
var data = document.getElementById("id").value
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
for(var j = i + 1; j < data.length; j++)
data = data.substring(0, j) + data.substring(j + 1);
j = j - 1;
Please let me know if you want some additional information.