I have a pdf file that I am putting on a website for a client. It is located here... http://www.optiphysicaltherapy.com/dev/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/OPTI_NewPatientForms.p
Ok, So I found out how to change the meta-data in a .pdf form here: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/acrobat/X/pro/using/WS58a04a822e3e50102bd615109794195ff-7c63.w.html (dead link; archived version here)
Sure enough the Title in the Meta Data within the .pdf was "Coury And..."
Once I changed this the Tab and the Title in Firefox web browser changed to have the title that I wanted.
This shows us that the meta-data in the .pdf does show in Firefox as if it were the meta-title of the webpage when displaying a .pdf within the browser.
Whatever was on that link, I did it opening the PDF with a hex editor (HxD) and searching Title
, so I found /Title (untitled)
somewhere and just edited it (changed the value between parentheses, here untitled
Open File > Properties
, then in the box labeled 'Title', add your title.
Click on the 'Initial View' tab, where it says Show:
, make sure the drop down says 'Document Title' instead of 'File Name'. This works for Chrome, but sadly not IE yet.
The title can changed inside MS Office or LibreOffice if you have access to the source by going to file/properties/description.
If you have access to the Word document in which the PDF is based, you can define the title when you save the file.
When you open pdf in chrome you can hit print and save as pdf. As file name write what you want as title in browser, it should be the same now.