when you click on \'Ask question\' here in Stackoverflow you see a text \"What\'s your programming question? Be descriptive.\"
i want the same thing and all i need f
$('#txtYourTextBox').blur(function () {
var val = $("#txtYourTextBox").val();
setTimeout(function () { $("#txtYourTextBox").val(val); }, 20);
if you look into the source code of stackoverflow > ask question, you will find this:
<table style="width:668px">
<td style="width:50px"><label for="title">Title</label></td>
<td style="padding-left:5px"><input id="title" name="title" type="text" maxlength="300" tabindex="100" style="width:610px" value="">
<span class="edit-field-overlay">What's your programming question? Be descriptive.</span>
what really is happening is that a CSS code made the <span class="edit-field-overlay">
move over the top of input box and show hide when needed... and just do what Sejanus' suggested.
May be that is an overkill, but these functions are helpful to select a portion of an input field.
The code below place the cursor to the first char of the second field.
<input value="stack" />
<input value="overflow" />
var inp = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT')[1];
if (inp.createTextRange) {
var part = inp.createTextRange();
part.move("character", 0);
} else if (inp.setSelectionRange) {
inp.setSelectionRange(0, 0);
You can use focus() method. If I recall jQuery, its like this: $("#question_input_field_id").focus(); (If I got your question right)
Update: Setting cursor at the beginning: