In igraph
, after applying a modularization algorithm to find graph communites, i would like to draw a network layout which clearly makes visible the distinct co
The function layout.modular
provides a grouped layout for a graph, from a result of any igraph community detection method:
c <-
layout.modular <- function(G,c){
nm <- length(levels(as.factor(c$membership)))
gr <- 2
gr <- gr+1
i <- j <- 0
for(cc in levels(as.factor(c$membership))){
F <- delete.vertices(G,c$membership!=cc)
F$layout <- layout.kamada.kawai(F)
F$layout <- layout.norm(F$layout, i,i+0.5,j,j+0.5)
G$layout[c$membership==cc,] <- F$layout
i <- 0
j <- 0
j <- j+1
i <- i+1
G$layout <- layout.modular(G,c)
V(G)$color <- rainbow(length(levels(as.factor(c$membership))))[c$membership]
Inspired on Antoine's suggestion, I created this function:
edge.weights <- function(community, network, weight.within = 100, weight.between = 1) {
bridges <- crossing(communities = community, graph = network)
weights <- ifelse(test = bridges, yes = weight.between, no = weight.within)
The function does the same; just put your community object in the community slot, your graph in the network one. I would left the weight.between = 1
and tune the weight.within
Then transfer the weights to the weight
slot in the nodes:
E(graph)$weight <- edge.weights(community, graph)
Finally use a layout algorithm that uses weights like layout_with_fr
(the new name of fruchterman.reingold
in igraph 1.0.1
I use the Zachary's karate club network as example.
#I load the network
#for reproducible purposes
karateLayout <- layout_with_fr(karate)
par(mar = c(0,0,2,0))
plot(karate, vertex.size = 10, vertex.color = "steelblue4", edge.width = 1,
vertex.label = NA, edge.color = "darkgrey", layout = karateLayout,
main = "Zachary's karate club network" )
I detect the communities by multi-level optimization of modularity with the cluster_louvain
Communitykarate <- cluster_louvain(karate)
The next it's a personal preference over the defaults:
prettyColors <- c("turquoise4", "azure4", "olivedrab","deeppink4")
communityColors <- prettyColors[membership(Communitykarate)]
The graph with the communities highlighted using colors is:
plot(x = Communitykarate, y = karate, edge.width = 1, vertex.size = 10,
vertex.label = NA, mark.groups = NULL, layout = karateLayout, col = communityColors,
main = "Communities in Zachary's karate club network",
edge.color = c("darkgrey","tomato2")crossing(Communitykarate, karate) + 1])
Now, the meaning why this question exist.
E(karate)$weight <- edge.weights(Communitykarate, karate)
# I use the original layout as a base for the new one
karateLayoutA <- layout_with_fr(karate, karateLayout)
# the graph with the nodes grouped
plot(x = Communitykarate, y = karate, edge.width = 1, vertex.size = 10,
mark.groups = NULL, layout = karateLayoutA, vertex.label = NA, col = communityColors,
c("darkgrey","tomato2")[crossing(Communitykarate, karate) + 1],
main = "Communities in Zachary's karate club network (grouped)")
If you try with more weight you will have have:
E(karate)$weight <- edge.weights(Communitykarate, karate, weight.within = 1000)
karateLayoutB <- layout_with_fr(karate, karateLayout)
plot(x = Communitykarate, y = karate, edge.width = 1, vertex.size = 10,
mark.groups = NULL, layout = karateLayoutB, vertex.label = NA, col = communityColors,
c("darkgrey","tomato2")[crossing(Communitykarate, karate) + 1],
main = "Communities in Zachary's karate club network (grouped)")
One solution would be to set the edge weights of the graph, based on the modularization. Set the within-module edges to some large weight, and the between module edges to some small weight. Then call layout.fruchterman.reingold()
, or any algorithm that support edge weights.
You may need to play a bit with the actual weight values, because that depends on your graph.
To expand on Gabor's suggestion, I have created this function:,membership,weigth.within,weight.between){
Simply apply it over the rows of the matrix of edges of your graph (given by get.edgelist(your_graph))
to set the new edge weights (membership is the membership vector from the result of any community detection algorithm):
Then, simply use a layout algorithm that accepts edge weights such as the fruchterman.reingold as suggested by Gabor. You can tweak the weights arguments to obtain the graph you want. For instance:
Note 1: the transparency/colors of the edges are other parameters of my graphs. I have colored nodes by community to shows that it indeed works.
Note 2: make sure to use membership(comm)
and not comm$membership
, where comm
is the result of the community detection algorithm (e.g.,
). The reason is that in the first case, you get a numeric vector with names (what we want), and in the second case, the same vector without names.
To get consensus of multiple community detection algorithms, see this function.