I would like to use mongoDB\'s Aggregation Framework to run what in SQL would look a bit like:
SELECT SUM(A), B, C from myTable GROUP BY B, C;
OK, so the solution is to specify an aggregate key for the _id value. This is documented here as:
You can specify a single field from the documents in the pipeline, a previously computed value, or an aggregate key made up from several incoming fields.
But it doesn't actually define the format for an aggregate key. Reading the earlier documentation here I saw that the previous collection.group method could take multiple fields and that the same structure is used in the new framework.
So, to group over multiple fields you could use _id : { success:'$success', responseCode:'$responseCode', label:'$label'}
As in:
{ $match : { testid : testid} },
{ $skip : alreadyRead },
{ $project : {
timeStamp : 1 ,
label : 1,
responseCode : 1 ,
value : 1,
success : 1
{ $group : {
_id : { success:'$success', responseCode:'$responseCode', label:'$label'},
max_timeStamp : { $timeStamp : 1 },
count_responseCode : { $sum : 1 },
avg_value : { $sum : "$value" },
count_success : { $sum : 1 }