I\'m using Eclipse and I need to be able to add Java libraries (JAR files) into my web application\'s WEB-INF/lib
folder. How do I achieve this?
Found a solution. This problem happens, when you import a project.
The solution is simple
Now you should see the web app libraries showing your jars added.
From the ToolBar to go
Project> Properties>Java Build Path > Add External Jars
Locate the File on the local disk or web Directory and Click Open.
This will automatically add the required Jar files to the Library.
Pasting the jar files in WebContent\WEB-INF\lib via the file system was the only way it worked for me.
They then appeared under the Deployed Resources and WebContent lib sub-folders.
When I looked, the build path had the jars in the Web App Libraries and everything built and ran fine.
Check under project properties -> deployment assembly if jar file are under deployed path- WEB-INF/lib if not use add button and add jar under WEB-INF/lib
sometime eclipse (in my case Juno Service Release 2 ) was not doing it for me so i did manually. this worked for me.