I have a very simple line of code that set and read a cookie. I kept getting empty value for my cookie and have no understanding why. I have cookie enabled and know that coo
I get the same weird behavior when opening a page in Chrome from localhost
When I map the same page in my hosts file and open the same page through the mapped name, normal cookie functionality resumes.
) localhostdevelopment.com
or similar to the end of your hosts fileChrome denies file cookies. To make your program work, you going to have to try it in a different browser or upload it to a remote server. Plus, the code for your setcookie and getcookie is essentially wrong. Try using this to set your cookie:
function setCookie(name,value,expires){
document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ((expires==null) ? "" : ";expires=" + expires.toGMTString())
example of usage:
var expirydate=new Date();
expirydate.setTime( expirydate.getTime()+(100*60*60*24*100) )
// expirydate being a variable with the expiry date in it
// the one i have set for your convenience expires in 10 days
and this to get your cookie:
function getCookie(name) {
var cookieName = name + "="
var docCookie = document.cookie
var cookieStart
var end
if (docCookie.length>0) {
cookieStart = docCookie.indexOf(cookieName)
if (cookieStart != -1) {
cookieStart = cookieStart + cookieName.length
end = docCookie.indexOf(";",cookieStart)
if (end == -1) {
end = docCookie.length
return unescape(docCookie.substring(cookieStart,end))
return false
example of usage:
Hope this helps.
Cheers, CoolSmoothie
With chrome, you cannot create cookies on a local website, so you need to trick your browser into thinking this site is not local by doing the following:
1) Place the root directory of the web site into C:\inetpub\wwwroot
, (so it looks like C:\inetpub\wwwroot\yourProjectFolder
2) Get your computer name
by right clicking Computer
, clicking properties, and looking for Computer Name
3) Access your site in the browser by visiting http://my-computer-name/yourProjectFolder/index.html
, at which point creating cookies should work.
(notice that I use dashes in the computer name, NOT underscores)