All is in the title, I currently searching a way to launch my UWP app automatically at Windows startup with the UWP framework only, no file
If it's a desktop application converted to UWP you can declare a startup task in your appmanifest like this:
<desktop:Extension Category="windows.startupTask" Executable="bin\MyStartupTask.exe"
<desktop:StartupTask TaskId="MyStartupTask" Enabled="true" DisplayName="My App Service" />
See Converted desktop app extensions
You can create a .bat script that execute "start AppID!App" "AppID!App" string is available in shell:AppsFolder view, you have to add the given column.
Then place the .bat file in the startup folder:
You can on Windows 10 (I'm not sure about Windows 8 or earlier versions), here's the instructions from Microsoft:
Even in Windows 10 IoT you can set an app to autostart through a PS command:
[]: PS C:\> iotstartup list MyBackgroundApp
@hsmiths wrote easist solution to start app automatically and I'd like to summarize in step by step.
Create Shorcut
+Tip: if you want to by-pass login dialog on Windows startup.
control userpasswords2
Users must enter a user name ...
It seems that MS will add this feature - windows.startupTask - not only for converted desktop apps, but also UWP apps.
You can see it from about 37:00 Tip, tricks, and secrets: Building a great UWP app for PC
But this feature is not ready yet - It'll be available with Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.(I've tried with SDK 16225 but not ready yet)
Added 12/18/2017 - You can do it with Win10 Fall Creators Update.Following post show the details.
Configure your app to start at log-in (Windows Blog)
One consideration point is: By the feature, you can just 'start' the app - the app window is not shown. To see the app window, the user should click the app task at the task bar. It's a slightly ridiculous implementation for me. From the view of customer, 'click to start' and 'click to activate' is same behavior. You can do the some task in background before the user activate the app, but this is an another story.
I think that is not possible, but maybe you can use a trigger in order to activating a background task when something happen.. Here's a list of the available triggers:
However you have some constraint.. take a look here: