I\'m trying to programmatically set a value in a dictionary, potentially nested, given a list of indices and a value.
So for example, let\'s say my list of indices i
Use these pair of methods
def gattr(d, *attrs):
This method receives a dict and list of attributes to return the innermost value of the give dict
for at in attrs:
d = d[at]
return d
return None
def sattr(d, *attrs):
Adds "val" to dict in the hierarchy mentioned via *attrs
For ex:
sattr(animals, "cat", "leg","fingers", 4) is equivalent to animals["cat"]["leg"]["fingers"]=4
This method creates necessary objects until it reaches the final depth
This behaviour is also known as autovivification and plenty of implementation are around
This implementation addresses the corner case of replacing existing primitives
for attr in attrs[:-2]:
# If such key is not found or the value is primitive supply an empty dict
if d.get(attr) is None or isinstance(d.get(attr), dict):
d[attr] = {}
d = d[attr]
d[attrs[-2]] = attrs[-1]
Pyhton3 provide dotty_dict lib. see documentation https://dotty-dict.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ for more clarity
from dotty_dict import dotty
dot = dotty()
string = '.'.join(['person', 'address', 'city'])
dot[string] = 'New York'
{'person': {'address': {'city': 'New York'}}}