I have a custom CMS that I am writing from scratch in Laravel and want to set env
values i.e. database details, mailer details, general configuration, etc from
You can use this custom method i located from internet ,
* Calls the method
public function something(){
// some code
$env_update = $this->changeEnv([
'DB_DATABASE' => 'new_db_name',
'DB_USERNAME' => 'new_db_user',
'DB_HOST' => 'new_db_host'
// Do something
} else {
// Do something else
// more code
protected function changeEnv($data = array()){
if(count($data) > 0){
// Read .env-file
$env = file_get_contents(base_path() . '/.env');
// Split string on every " " and write into array
$env = preg_split('/\s+/', $env);;
// Loop through given data
foreach((array)$data as $key => $value){
// Loop through .env-data
foreach($env as $env_key => $env_value){
// Turn the value into an array and stop after the first split
// So it's not possible to split e.g. the App-Key by accident
$entry = explode("=", $env_value, 2);
// Check, if new key fits the actual .env-key
if($entry[0] == $key){
// If yes, overwrite it with the new one
$env[$env_key] = $key . "=" . $value;
} else {
// If not, keep the old one
$env[$env_key] = $env_value;
// Turn the array back to an String
$env = implode("\n", $env);
// And overwrite the .env with the new data
file_put_contents(base_path() . '/.env', $env);
return true;
} else {
return false;
Based on vesperknight's answer I created a solution that doesn't use strtok or env().
private function setEnvironmentValue($envKey, $envValue)
$envFile = app()->environmentFilePath();
$str = file_get_contents($envFile);
$str .= "\n"; // In case the searched variable is in the last line without \n
$keyPosition = strpos($str, "{$envKey}=");
$endOfLinePosition = strpos($str, PHP_EOL, $keyPosition);
$oldLine = substr($str, $keyPosition, $endOfLinePosition - $keyPosition);
$str = str_replace($oldLine, "{$envKey}={$envValue}", $str);
$str = substr($str, 0, -1);
$fp = fopen($envFile, 'w');
fwrite($fp, $str);
This doesn't use strtok
that might not work for some people, or env()
that won't work with double-quoted .env
variables which are evaluated and also interpolates embedded variables
KEY="Something with spaces or variables ${KEY2}"
This solution builds upon the one provided by Elias Tutungi, it accepts multiple value changes and uses a Laravel Collection because foreach's are gross
function set_environment_value($values = [])
$path = app()->environmentFilePath();
collect($values)->map(function ($value, $key) use ($path) {
$escaped = preg_quote('='.env($key), '/');
file_put_contents($path, preg_replace(
return true;
Replace single value in .env file function:
* @param string $key
* @param string $value
* @param null $env_path
function set_env(string $key, string $value, $env_path = null)
$value = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $value); //replace special ch
$key = strtoupper($key); //force upper for security
$env = file_get_contents(isset($env_path) ? $env_path : base_path('.env')); //fet .env file
$env = str_replace("$key=" . env($key), "$key=" . $value, $env); //replace value
/** Save file eith new content */
$env = file_put_contents(isset($env_path) ? $env_path : base_path('.env'), $env);
Example to local (laravel) use: set_env('APP_VERSION', 1.8)
Example to use custom path: set_env('APP_VERSION', 1.8, $envfilepath)
In the event that you want these settings to be persisted to the environment file so they be loaded again later (even if the configuration is cached), you can use a function like this. I'll put the security caveat in there, that calls to a method like this should be gaurded tightly and user input should be sanitized properly.
private function setEnvironmentValue($environmentName, $configKey, $newValue) {
file_put_contents(App::environmentFilePath(), str_replace(
$environmentName . '=' . Config::get($configKey),
$environmentName . '=' . $newValue,
Config::set($configKey, $newValue);
// Reload the cached config
if (file_exists(App::getCachedConfigPath())) {
An example of it's use would be;
$this->setEnvironmentValue('APP_LOG_LEVEL', 'app.log_level', 'debug');
is the key in the environment file (example.. APP_LOG_LEVEL)
is the key used to access the configuration at runtime (example.. app.log_level (tinker config('app.log_level')
is of course the new value you wish to persist.
#more simple way to cover .env you can do like this
$_ENV['key'] = 'value';