What does the %
in a calculation? I can\'t seem to work out what it does.
Does it work out a percent of the calculation for example: 4 % 2
It's a modulo operation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modulo_operation
So with order of operations, that works out to
(3+2+1-5) + (4%2) - (1/4) + 6
(1) + (0) - (0) + 6
The 1/4=0 because we're doing integer math here.
It is, as in many C-like languages, the remainder or modulo operation. See the documentation for numeric types — int, float, long, complex.
I have found that the easiest way to grasp the modulus operator (%) is through long division. It is the remainder and can be useful in determining a number to be even or odd:
4%2 = 0
11%3 = 2
It was hard for me to readily find specific use cases for the use of % online ,e.g. why does doing fractional modulus division or negative modulus division result in the answer that it does. Hope this helps clarify questions like this:
Modulus Division In General:
Modulus division returns the remainder of a mathematical division operation. It is does it as follows:
Say we have a dividend of 5 and divisor of 2, the following division operation would be (equated to x):
dividend = 5
divisor = 2
x = 5/2
The first step in the modulus calculation is to conduct integer division:
x_int = 5 // 2 ( integer division in python uses double slash)
x_int = 2
Next, the output of x_int is multiplied by the divisor:
x_mult = x_int * divisor x_mult = 4
Lastly, the dividend is subtracted from the x_mult
dividend - x_mult = 1
The modulus operation ,therefore, returns 1:
5 % 2 = 1
Application to apply the modulus to a fraction
Example: 2 % 5
The calculation of the modulus when applied to a fraction is the same as above; however, it is important to note that the integer division will result in a value of zero when the divisor is larger than the dividend:
dividend = 2
divisor = 5
The integer division results in 0 whereas the; therefore, when step 3 above is performed, the value of the dividend is carried through (subtracted from zero):
dividend - 0 = 2 —> 2 % 5 = 2
Application to apply the modulus to a negative
Floor division occurs in which the value of the integer division is rounded down to the lowest integer value:
import math
x = -1.1
math.floor(-1.1) = -2
y = 1.1
math.floor = 1
Therefore, when you do integer division you may get a different outcome than you expect!
Applying the steps above on the following dividend and divisor illustrates the modulus concept:
dividend: -5
divisor: 2
Step 1: Apply integer division
x_int = -5 // 2 = -3
Step 2: Multiply the result of the integer division by the divisor
x_mult = x_int * 2 = -6
Step 3: Subtract the dividend from the multiplied variable, notice the double negative.
dividend - x_mult = -5 -(-6) = 1
-5 % 2 = 1
In most languages % is used for modulus. Python is no exception.
% Modulo operator can be also used for printing strings (Just like in C) as defined on Google https://developers.google.com/edu/python/strings.
# % operator
text = "%d little pigs come out or I'll %s and %s and %s" % (3, 'huff', 'puff', 'blow down')
This seems to bit off topic but It will certainly help someone.