In CKEditor 4 to change the editor height there was a configuration option: config.height.
How do I change the height of CKEditor 5? (the Classic Editor)
In the case of ReactJS.
data="<p>Hello from CKEditor 5!</p>"
onInit={editor => {
// You can store the "editor" and use when it is needed.
// console.log("Editor is ready to use!", editor);
editor.editing.view.change(writer => {
If you use jQuery and the CKEditor 5 has to be applied to a textarea, there is a "quick and dirty" solution.
The condition:
<textarea name='my-area' id='my_textarea_id'>
If you use jQuery the Editor call could be:
var $ref=$('#my_textarea_id');
.create( $ref[0] ,{
// your options
} )
.then( editor => {
// Set custom height via jQuery by appending a scoped style
$('<style type="text/css" scoped>.ck-editor .ck-editor__editable_inline {min-height: 200px !important;}</style>').insertAfter($ref);
} )
.catch( error => {
console.error( error );
} );
In other words, after rendering, you can address the same element used to build the editor and append after a scoped style tag with containing the custom height.
$('<style type="text/css" scoped>.ck-editor .ck-editor__editable_inline {min-height: 200px !important;}</style>').insertAfter($ref);
If you like to use a function (or some class method) to do this, you need something like this:
var editorBuildTo = function(id,options){
var options=options || {};
//Height represents the full widget height including toolbar
var h = options.height || 250; //Default height if not set
var $ref = $('#'+id);
h=(h>40?h-40:h);//Fix the editor height if the toolbar is simple
.create( $ref[0] ,{
// your options
} )
.then( editor => {
// Set custom height via jQuery
$('<style type="text/css" scoped>.ck-editor .ck-editor__editable_inline {min-height: '+h+'px !important;}</style>').insertAfter($ref);
} )
.catch( error => {
console.error( error );
} );
// other options as you need
This works well for me
This CSS Method works for me:
.ck-editor__editable {
min-height: 400px;
} = '300px';
Just test it's work. Hoping help you
var editor_ = CKEDITOR.replace('content', {height: 250});
From CKEditor 5 version 22 the proposed programmatic solutions are not working. Here it is how I get the work done:
ClassicEditor.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ) )
.then( editor => { = '500px';
} )
.catch( error => {
console.error( error );
} );
.ck-editor__editable {min-height: 500px;}
<textarea id="editor">Hi world!</textarea>
<script src=""></script>