let\'s say that I have a table called Items (ID int, Done int, Total int)
I can do it by two queries:
int total = m.Items.Sum(p=>p.Total)
int done
With a helper tuple class, either your own or—in .NET 4—the standard ones you can do this:
var init = Tuple.Create(0, 0);
var res = m.Items.Aggregate(init, (t,v) => Tuple.Create(t.Item1 + v.Total, t.Item2 + v.Done));
And res.Item1
is the total of the Total
column and res.Item2
of the Done
//Calculate the total in list field values
//Use the header file:
Using System.Linq;
int i = Total.Sum(G => G.First);
//By using LINQ to calculate the total in a list field,
var T = (from t in Total group t by Total into g select g.Sum(t => t.First)).ToList();
//Here Total is a List and First is the one of the integer field in list(Total)
To sum the table, group by a constant:
from p in m.Items
group p by 1 into g
select new {
SumTotal = g.Sum(x => x.Total),
SumDone = g.Sum(x => x.Done)