When I try the FasterCSV gem on my application I get this error:
Please switch to Ruby 1.9\'s standard
CSV library. It\'s FasterCSV plus
support for Ruby 1.
Ruby 1.9 has adopted FasterCSV as its built-in CSV library. However, it's in the standard library rather than Ruby 1.9's core, so you need to manually require it in your application.
After adding a
require 'csv'
to your code, you can then do things such as
See Ruby 1.9's standard library CSV documentation for information on using the library.
See how I solved this problem!
require 'fastercsv'
require 'csv'
secrecy_levels_array = [['SUPERSECRET', 'Supersecret Data', "Tell No One"],
['SEMISECRET', 'Semisecret Data', 'Tell Some People'],
['UNSECRET', 'Unsecret Data', 'Tell Everyone']]
puts '\n'
secrecy_levels_array.each do |line|
puts line.to_csv