I have TextBlock that has Inlines dynamicly added to it (basically bunch of Run objects that are either italic or bold).
In my application I have search function.
By strange coincidence, I have recently written an article that solves the very same problem. It is a custom control that has the same properties as a TextBlock (so you can swap is out for a TextBlock
wherever you need it), and it has an extra Property that you can bind to called HighLightText
, and wherever the value of HighLightText
is found in the main Text
property (case insensitive), it is highlighted.
It was a fairly straight-forward control to create, and you can find the article here:
WPF TextBlock With Search String Matching
And the full code as a solution here:
Here is what I came up with by building off of the exisiting TextBlock
and adding a new dependency property named SearchText
public class SearchHightlightTextBlock : TextBlock
public SearchHightlightTextBlock() : base() { }
public String SearchText { get { return (String)GetValue(SearchTextProperty); }
set { SetValue(SearchTextProperty, value); } }
private static void OnDataChanged(DependencyObject source,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
TextBlock tb = (TextBlock)source;
if (tb.Text.Length == 0)
string textUpper = tb.Text.ToUpper();
String toFind = ((String) e.NewValue).ToUpper();
int firstIndex = textUpper.IndexOf(toFind);
String firstStr = tb.Text.Substring(0, firstIndex);
String foundStr = tb.Text.Substring(firstIndex, toFind.Length);
String endStr = tb.Text.Substring(firstIndex + toFind.Length,
tb.Text.Length - (firstIndex + toFind.Length));
var run = new Run();
run.Text = firstStr;
run = new Run();
run.Background = Brushes.Yellow;
run.Text = foundStr;
run = new Run();
run.Text = endStr;
public static readonly DependencyProperty SearchTextProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, OnDataChanged));
And in your view, this:
<view:SearchHightlightTextBlock SearchText="{Binding TextPropertyContainingTextToSearch}"
Text="{Binding YourTextProperty}"/>
Here I present another Approach for highlighting text. I had a use case where I needed to decorate a bunch of C# Code in WPF, however I did not want to use textBlock.Inlines.Add type of syntax, instead I wanted to generate the highlighting XAML on the fly and then dynamically add it to a Canvas or some other container in WPF.
So suppose you want to colorize the following piece of code and also highlight a part of it:
public static void TestLoop(int count)
for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
Suppose the above code is found in a file called Test.txt . Suppose you want to colorize all the C# keywords (public, static, void etc..) and simple types(int, string) in Blue, and Console.WriteLine highlight in yellow.
Step 0. Create a new WPF Application and include some sample code similar to above in a file called Test.txt
Step 1. Create a Code Highlighter class:
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
public enum HighLightType
Type = 0,
Keyword = 1,
CustomTerm = 2
public class CodeHighlighter
public static string[] KeyWords = { "public", "static", "void", "return", "while", "for", "if" };
public static string[] Types = { "string", "int", "double", "long" };
private string FormatCodeInXaml(string code, bool withLineBreak)
string[] mapAr = { "<","<" , //Replace less than sign
">",">" }; //Replace greater than sign
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code))))
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
string line = sr.ReadLine();
line = line.Replace("\t", "    "); //Replace tabs
line = line.Replace(" ", " "); //Replace spaces
for (int i = 0; i < mapAr.Length; i += 2)
line = line.Replace(mapAr[i], mapAr[i + 1]);
if (withLineBreak)
sb.AppendLine(line + "<LineBreak/>"); //Replace line breaks
return sb.ToString();
private string BuildForegroundTag(string highlightText, string color)
return "<Span Foreground=\"" + color + "\">" + highlightText + "</Span>";
private string BuildBackgroundTag(string highlightText, string color)
return "<Span Background=\"" + color + "\">" + highlightText + "</Span>";
private string HighlightTerm(HighLightType type, string term, string line)
if (term == string.Empty)
return line;
string keywordColor = "Blue";
string typeColor = "Blue";
string statementColor = "Yellow";
if (type == HighLightType.Type)
return line.Replace(term, BuildForegroundTag(term, typeColor));
if (type == HighLightType.Keyword)
return line.Replace(term, BuildForegroundTag(term, keywordColor));
if (type == HighLightType.CustomTerm)
return line.Replace(term, BuildBackgroundTag(term, statementColor));
return line;
public string ApplyHighlights(string code, string customTerm)
code = FormatCodeInXaml(code, true);
customTerm = FormatCodeInXaml(customTerm, false).Trim();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code))))
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
string line = sr.ReadLine();
line = HighlightTerm(HighLightType.CustomTerm, customTerm, line);
foreach (string keyWord in KeyWords)
line = HighlightTerm(HighLightType.Keyword, keyWord, line);
foreach (string type in Types)
line = HighlightTerm(HighLightType.Type, type, line);
return sb.ToString();
Step 2. Add a Canvas XAML tag to your MainWindow.xaml
<Window x:Class="TestCodeVisualizer.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<Canvas Name="canvas" />
Step 3. In Your WPF Application add the following code: (make sure that test.txt is in the correct location) :
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Markup;
namespace TestCodeVisualizer
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
string testText = File.ReadAllText("Test.txt");
FrameworkElement fe = GenerateHighlightedTextBlock(testText, "Console.WriteLine");
private FrameworkElement GenerateHighlightedTextBlock(string code, string term)
CodeHighlighter ch = new CodeHighlighter();
string uc = "<UserControl xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation' xmlns:x='http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml'>[CONTENT]</UserControl>";
string content = "<TextBlock>" + ch.ApplyHighlights(code, term) + "</TextBlock>";
uc = uc.Replace("[CONTENT]", content);
FrameworkElement fe = XamlReader.Load(new System.IO.MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(uc))) as FrameworkElement;
return fe;
If you are handling ContainerContentChanging for your ListViewBase, you can take the following approach: TextBlock highlighting for WinRT/ContainerContentChanging
Please note that this code is for Windows RT. The WPF syntax will be slightly different. Also note that if you are using binding to populate the TextBlock.Text property, the text generated by my approach will be overwritten. I use ContainerContentChanging to populate target fields because of radically-increased performance and improvements in memory usage, vs. normal binding. I use binding only to manage the source data, not the data view.
Ended up writing following code
At moment has few bugs, but solves the problem
if (Main.IsFullTextSearch)
for (int i = 0; i < runs.Count; i++)
if (runs[i] is Run)
Run originalRun = (Run)runs[i];
if (Main.SearchCondition != null && originalRun.Text.ToLower()
int pos = originalRun.Text.ToLower()
if (pos > 0)
Run preRun = CloneRun(originalRun);
Run postRun = CloneRun(originalRun);
preRun.Text = originalRun.Text.Substring(0, pos);
postRun.Text = originalRun.Text
.Substring(pos + Main.SearchCondition.Length);
runs.Insert(i - 1 < 0 ? 0 : i - 1, preRun);
runs.Insert(i + 1, new Run(" "));
runs.Insert(i + 2, postRun);
originalRun.Text = originalRun.Text
.Substring(pos, Main.SearchCondition.Length);
SolidColorBrush brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);
originalRun.Background = brush;
i += 3;
property of the TextBlock anymore. Instead bind your text to HighlightTermBehavior.Text="blabla"
.<TextBlock local:HighlightTermBehavior.TermToBeHighlighted="{Binding MyTerm}"
local:HighlightTermBehavior.Text="{Binding MyText}" />
or hardcoded
<TextBlock local:HighlightTermBehavior.TermToBeHighlighted="highlight this"
local:HighlightTermBehavior.Text="bla highlight this bla" />
for non highlighted textAddHighlightedPartToTextBlock()
for the highlighted text. FontWeights.ExtraBold
and non highlighted text is FontWeights.Light
. public static class HighlightTermBehavior
public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata("", OnTextChanged));
public static string GetText(FrameworkElement frameworkElement) => (string) frameworkElement.GetValue(TextProperty);
public static void SetText(FrameworkElement frameworkElement, string value) => frameworkElement.SetValue(TextProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty TermToBeHighlightedProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata("", OnTextChanged));
public static string GetTermToBeHighlighted(FrameworkElement frameworkElement)
return (string) frameworkElement.GetValue(TermToBeHighlightedProperty);
public static void SetTermToBeHighlighted(FrameworkElement frameworkElement, string value)
frameworkElement.SetValue(TermToBeHighlightedProperty, value);
private static void OnTextChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (d is TextBlock textBlock)
SetTextBlockTextAndHighlightTerm(textBlock, GetText(textBlock), GetTermToBeHighlighted(textBlock));
private static void SetTextBlockTextAndHighlightTerm(TextBlock textBlock, string text, string termToBeHighlighted)
textBlock.Text = string.Empty;
if (TextIsEmpty(text))
if (TextIsNotContainingTermToBeHighlighted(text, termToBeHighlighted))
AddPartToTextBlock(textBlock, text);
var textParts = SplitTextIntoTermAndNotTermParts(text, termToBeHighlighted);
foreach (var textPart in textParts)
AddPartToTextBlockAndHighlightIfNecessary(textBlock, termToBeHighlighted, textPart);
private static bool TextIsEmpty(string text)
return text.Length == 0;
private static bool TextIsNotContainingTermToBeHighlighted(string text, string termToBeHighlighted)
return text.Contains(termToBeHighlighted, StringComparison.Ordinal) == false;
private static void AddPartToTextBlockAndHighlightIfNecessary(TextBlock textBlock, string termToBeHighlighted, string textPart)
if (textPart == termToBeHighlighted)
AddHighlightedPartToTextBlock(textBlock, textPart);
AddPartToTextBlock(textBlock, textPart);
private static void AddPartToTextBlock(TextBlock textBlock, string part)
textBlock.Inlines.Add(new Run {Text = part, FontWeight = FontWeights.Light});
private static void AddHighlightedPartToTextBlock(TextBlock textBlock, string part)
textBlock.Inlines.Add(new Run {Text = part, FontWeight = FontWeights.ExtraBold});
public static List<string> SplitTextIntoTermAndNotTermParts(string text, string term)
if (text.IsNullOrEmpty())
return new List<string>() {string.Empty};
return Regex.Split(text, $@"({Regex.Escape(term)})")
.Where(p => p != string.Empty)