Quick Question. Eval in JavaScript is unsafe is it not? I have a JSON object as a string and I need to turn it into an actual object so I can obtain the data:
Another great alternative is YUI: http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/json/
So your code would be something like:
Y.JSON.parse('{"id": 15, "name": "something"}');
You should use JSON and write JSON.parse.
"Manual" parsing is too slow, so JSON.parse implementation from the library checks stuff and then ends up using eval, so it is still unsafe. But, if you are using a newer browser (IE8 or Firefox), the library code is not actually executed. Instead, native browser support kicks in, and then you are safe.
Read more here and here.
If you can't trust the source, then you're correct...eval is unsafe. It could be used to inject code into your pages.
Check out this link for a safer alternative:
JSON in Javascript
The page explains why eval is unsafe and provides a link to a JSON parser at the bottom of the page.