I\'m trying to get the current user info in my plugin using the func wp_get_current_user(). But am getting
Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user()
try adding also
along with
As crazy as this might sound, the problem in my application was happening because I had a FILE called menu.php where I had a class to create Wordpress menus.
Literally, simply changing the name of the FILE from menu.php to nav-menu.php, fixed the issue. I replicated the issue 3 times because I could not believe the name of the FILE could be the problem.
Just in case somebody would like to now what was inside that file, here it is:
class OwNavMenu extends OwCpnt
function __construct( $location, $args ) {
$show = $args['show'];
$span = $args['span'];
if ( $show ) {
$this->menu( $location, $span );
function menu( $location, $span ) {
if ( $location ) {
echo '<div id="ow-' . $location . '" class="ow-nav ow-' . $location . '">';
'theme_location' => $location,
'link_before' => ( $span ) ? '<span>' : '',
'link_after' => ( $span ) ? '</span>' : ''
echo '</div>';
Apparently this is happening because the file /wp-includes/pluggable which contains the function doesn't get loaded until after the plugins are loaded.
Indeed it is. So wrap whichever thing you're doing in a function, and hook it onto the plugins_loaded or init hook. (see the wp-settings.php file)
function do_stuff(){
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
// ...
my issue solved with this code please
include_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/pluggable.php');
Quick fix include_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/pluggable.php');
add this line on your capabilities.php
After the installation of wp 3.8 I had the same problem with a page I get with ajax. I fixed it with the following code:
if(!function_exists('wp_delete_user')) {
include(ABSPATH . "wp-admin/includes/user.php.");
Apparently the function is moved from pluggable.php to user.php. Still I don't understand why it doesn't work after I included the wp-blog-header.php.