When i try to switch the orientation of my emulator, the emulator window rotates and the orientation of the emulator screen stays as it wer
try pressing numpad 7 ... it will rotate your emulator screen.
you can try in two ways.
1.left ctrl+F11
2.enable num lock then press 9.
Other answers cover this pretty well, but there seem to be some restrictions on using the Ctrl key bindings (at least in Linux).
Note that there are relevant bugs for emulator targets v2.3 and v4.4. See the bug reports for more info and workarounds.
Emulator shortcuts are listed here.
With the android L emulator you can go into landscape by opening your app, then opening the camera app (you will need to set an emulated camera in AVD) record a video. Then press ctr-f12 of 11. In the camera app click the video thumbnail and play it back. The video should go to landscape. Then press the multitasking button and multitask into your app. DO NOT GO TO THE HOME SCREEN OR YOU WILL HAVE TO GO INTO THE CAMERA APP, GO TO LANDSCAPE AND REPLAY THE VIDEO! please let me know if this works for any other android emulator versions.
If everything else fails (it did for me), as a workaround you can use application for screen orientation. In the other question (Impossible to rotate the emulator with android 4.4), user vldmrrr wrote that:
Until it is fixed I use this free application "Set Orientation". Install the apk into emulator using adb install.
The application displays a shortcut in the notification status bar. (I know it's an old question, but it's pretty high in google).