I have to move files between one bucket to another with Python Boto API. (I need it to \"Cut\" the file from the first Bucket and \"Paste\" it in the second one). What is th
I think the boto S3 documentation answers your question.
Moving files from one bucket to another via boto is effectively a copy of the keys from source to destination and then removing the key from source.
You can get access to the buckets:
import boto
c = boto.connect_s3()
src = c.get_bucket('my_source_bucket')
dst = c.get_bucket('my_destination_bucket')
and iterate the keys:
for k in src.list():
# copy stuff to your destination here
dst.copy_key(k.key.name, src.name, k.key.name)
# then delete the source key
See also: Is it possible to copy all files from one S3 bucket to another with s3cmd?