I am noticed in some python code that -u is used to start the python interpreter. I looked at the man page for python but I could not get much out of it. Please give me som
Python is optimised for reading in and printing out lots of data. One of these optimisation is that the standard input and output of the Python interpreter are buffered. That means that whenever a program tries to use one of those streams, the interpreted will block up the usage into large chunks and then send the chunks all in one go. This is faster than sending each individual read/write through separately, but obviously has the disadvantage that data can get 'stopped up' in the middle.
The -u flag turns off this behaviour.
From python --help
-u : unbuffered binary stdout and stderr; also PYTHONUNBUFFERED=x see man page for details on internal buffering relating to '-u'
The manpage states:
-u Force stdin, stdout and stderr to be totally unbuffered. On systems where it matters, also put stdin, stdout and stderr in binary mode. Note that there is internal buffering in xreadlines(), readlines() and file-object iterators ("for line in sys.stdin") which is not influenced by this option. To work around this, you will want to use "sys.stdin.readline()" inside a "while 1:" loop.
Python opens the stdin, -out and -error streams in a buffered mode; it'll read or write in larger chunks, keeping data in memory until a threshold is reached. -u
disables those buffers.
Also, python can interpret newlines on open files and translate them from and to the native platform newlines (text mode). The -u
option disables this translation, allowing you to process binary data without having to worry about what might happen to \r\n
combinations. It is the equivalent of using rb
or wb
modes when opening files with the open()