Great Buddha!! Ninety-seven????
Good practise usually advises about max. six to eight. Of course, ymmv, and there may be a valid reason, from time to time, for a ninth. But 97??!!
A few thoughts ... are these simply data, or are decisions being made based on their values?
If many/most affect flow control you have an almost unmaintainable (even understandable, or testable) "design" (for small values of "design").
If they are simply data, can they be grouped into structures and pointers ot those structures passed?
Do you have any design documentation? Might that explain what is going on.
Oh, and, "Danger, Will Robinson" - anyone who will pass 97 parameters openly might also pass any number - not so obviously - as global variables.
P.s don't know how Eclipse works on Java, but with C/C++, if you put the paramaeters on separate lines
char DoEverything(
int meaninglessParameterName1,
char *meaninglessParameterName2,
long double *meaninglessParameterName97)
{ return !NULL;}
Eclipse will actually identify the line with the bad parameter