I checked the documentation. What I would like is for my numbers to have four digits and leading zeros.
22 to 0022
1 to 0001
Can someone
No filter required, Just use an expression in your html
{{("00000"+1).slice(-6)}} // '000001'
{{("00000"+123456).slice(-6)}} // '123456'
This is an Angular 1.x variant of the directive in TypeScript which would handle both integers and decimals. Everything is considered 'type safe' thanks to TS.
() => (num: number, len: number): string => {
if (isNaN(num) || isNaN(len)) {
return `${num}`;
if (`${num}`.indexOf(".") > -1) {
var parts = `${num}`.split(".");
var outDec = parts[0]; // read the before decimal
while (outDec.length < len) {
outDec = `0${outDec}`;
return outDec + parts[1]; // reappend the after decimal
} else {
var outInt = `${num}`;
while (outInt.length < len) {
outInt = `0${outInt}`;
return outInt;
The cleanest would be to create your own filter in angular and use it. There's already a few answers for this but personally I find this easiest to read. Create a array by the length of zeros needed then join the array with zero.
myApp.filter('customNumber', function(){
return function(input, size) {
var zero = (size ? size : 4) - input.toString().length + 1;
return Array(+(zero > 0 && zero)).join("0") + input;
Use it like:
{{myValue | customNumber}}
I also made it so you can specify leading zeros as a parameter:
{{myValue | customNumber:5}}
Demo: http://www.bootply.com/d7SbUz57o8
Another example:
// Formats a number to be at least minNumberOfDigits by adding leading zeros
app.filter('LeadingZerosFilter', function() {
return function(input, minNumberOfDigits) {
minNumberOfDigits = minNumberOfDigits || 2;
input = input + '';
var zeros = new Array(minNumberOfDigits - input.length + 1).join('0');
return zeros + input;
Let's say you have a module called myModule
in your app myApp
angular.module('myApp', ['myModule']);
Define your filter in in this module:
angular.module('myModule', [])
.filter('numberFixedLen', function () {
return function (n, len) {
var num = parseInt(n, 10);
len = parseInt(len, 10);
if (isNaN(num) || isNaN(len)) {
return n;
num = ''+num;
while (num.length < len) {
num = '0'+num;
return num;
Use your filter in markup:
{{myValue | numberFixedLen:4}}
Keeping it minimal... (works with both strings & numbers) Do some validation if you have to (isNumber, NaN)
// 1e8 is enough for working with 8 digits (100000000)
// in your case 1e4 (aka 10000) should do it
app.filter('numberFixedLen', function () {
return function(a,b){
If you want it even smaller and the browser supports arrow function or you are using babel/traceur then it could be reduced to:
app.filter('numberFixedLen', () => (a, b) => (1e4 + "" + a).slice(-b))
{{ myValue | numberFixedLen:4 }}
Note This has less flexibility and this will only work for numbers lower then 10000 if it's a bigger number you would have to increase both 4
and 1e4
or use any other dynamic solution.
This was intended to do as little as possible as fast as possible.
It is intentionally the same thing as doing:
("10000"+1234567).slice(-4) // "4567"
("10000"+1234567).slice(-9) // "001234567"
Update You could also use padStart (but it doesn't work in IE)
// app.filter('numberFixedLen', () => (a, b) => ("" + a).padStart(b, 0))
console.log("1234567".padStart(4, 0)) // "1234567"
console.log("1234567".padStart(9, 0)) // "001234567"