I\'m trying to set up my first repository on my host and am getting this error when I use TortoiseSVN to checkout the project:
Error: OPTIONS of \'htt
I just had this problem. My Subversion server was on a non-standard port. So effectively my repository URL was wrong. Just something else to check...
I had a similar problem with a simple "svn list" command.
To extend Vitor Mateus' answer regarding slashes: While setting up my own repository using Apache on an in-house server, my original Location
tag in the Apache 2 configuration file looked like:
<Location "/svn/repo_address/">
Where there was a trailing "/" after "repo_address". There should not be a slash there:
<Location "/svn/repo_address">
Something subtle, but it makes a huge difference. Now a call to
svn list http://my.server.com/svn/repo_address
works fine. Sometimes it helps to read the manual carefully ;-)
A modification of the first response worked for me.
My repository uses SSH. The URL was given to me as https:// (for HTTPS access) and I eventually figured out that the protocol on the URL needed to be changed.
Using the command-line client: $ svn checkout svn+ssh:///svnroot//
(No key configuration was needed.)
I had to dig into this issue too and found the following pages which lead me to the solution: - http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.subversion.devel/117844 (See especially the link to "Julian's patch".)
There is stated that the "OPTIONS of <url>
: 200 (<url>
) OK" error is quite misleading and often just means that the repository URL is wrong.
For me it was definitely an authentication issue.
Normally when I attempt to checkout a new project, I am asked if I want to accept the certificate (permanently, temporary, or not at all).
I must have clicked not at all previously, so it wouldn't prompt me again.
Using the TortoiseSVN client I went into Settings, then Saved Data and cleared my Authentication data (button Clear).
Then when I attempted a checkout, it prompted me to accept the certificate. I did Permanently and all was good. It checked out all my code.
Try to put /
on the end of URL. Change the checkout address from "http://mywebsite.com/svn/myproject" to "http://mywebsite.com/svn/myproject/".