I\'m looking for an easy way to parse a string that contains an ISO-8601 duration in Objective C. The result should be something usable like a NSTimeI
This version parse every youtube duration without errors.
Important: This version use ARC.
- (NSString*)parseISO8601Time:(NSString*)duration
NSInteger hours = 0;
NSInteger minutes = 0;
NSInteger seconds = 0;
//Get Time part from ISO 8601 formatted duration http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations
duration = [duration substringFromIndex:[duration rangeOfString:@"T"].location];
while ([duration length] > 1) { //only one letter remains after parsing
duration = [duration substringFromIndex:1];
NSScanner *scanner = [[NSScanner alloc] initWithString:duration];
NSString *durationPart = [[NSString alloc] init];
[scanner scanCharactersFromSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"0123456789"] intoString:&durationPart];
NSRange rangeOfDurationPart = [duration rangeOfString:durationPart];
duration = [duration substringFromIndex:rangeOfDurationPart.location + rangeOfDurationPart.length];
if ([[duration substringToIndex:1] isEqualToString:@"H"]) {
hours = [durationPart intValue];
if ([[duration substringToIndex:1] isEqualToString:@"M"]) {
minutes = [durationPart intValue];
if ([[duration substringToIndex:1] isEqualToString:@"S"]) {
seconds = [durationPart intValue];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds];
Swift 4.2 version
Works with years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds. Seconds can be float number.
extension String{
public func parseISO8601Time() -> Duration {
let nsISO8601 = NSString(string: self)
var days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds: Float = 0, weeks = 0, months = 0, years = 0
var i = 0
var beforeT:Bool = true
while i < nsISO8601.length {
var str = nsISO8601.substring(with: NSRange(location: i, length: nsISO8601.length - i))
i += 1
if str.hasPrefix("P") || str.hasPrefix("T") {
beforeT = !str.hasPrefix("T")
let scanner = Scanner(string: str)
var value: Float = 0
if scanner.scanFloat(&value) {
i += scanner.scanLocation - 1
str = nsISO8601.substring(with: NSRange(location: i, length: nsISO8601.length - i))
i += 1
if str.hasPrefix("Y") {
years = Int(value)
} else if str.hasPrefix("M") {
if beforeT{
months = Int(value)
minutes = Int(value)
} else if str.hasPrefix("W") {
weeks = Int(value)
} else if str.hasPrefix("D") {
days = Int(value)
} else if str.hasPrefix("H") {
hours = Int(value)
} else if str.hasPrefix("S") {
seconds = value
return Duration(years: years, months: months, weeks: weeks, days: days, hours: hours, minutes: minutes, seconds: seconds)
Duration struct:
public struct Duration {
let daysInMonth: Int = 30
let daysInYear: Int = 365
var years: Int
var months: Int
var weeks: Int
var days: Int
var hours: Int
var minutes: Int
var seconds: Float
public func getMilliseconds() -> Int{
return Int(round(seconds*1000)) + minutes*60*1000 + hours*60*60*1000 + days*24*60*60*1000 + weeks*7*24*60*60*1000 + months*daysInMonth*24*60*60*1000 + years*daysInYear*24*60*60*1000
public func getFormattedString() -> String{
var formattedString = ""
if years != 0{
formattedString.append(" ")
formattedString.append(years == 1 ? "year".localized() : "years".localized())
formattedString.append(" ")
if months != 0{
formattedString.append(" ")
formattedString.append(months == 1 ? "month".localized() : "months".localized())
formattedString.append(" ")
if weeks != 0{
formattedString.append(" ")
formattedString.append(weeks == 1 ? "week".localized() : "weeks".localized())
formattedString.append(" ")
if days != 0{
formattedString.append(" ")
formattedString.append(days == 1 ? "day".localized() : "days".localized())
formattedString.append(" ")
if seconds != 0{
formattedString.append(String(format: "%02d:%02d:%.02f", hours, minutes, seconds))
formattedString.append(String(format: "%02d:%02d", hours, minutes))
return formattedString
Here is swift 3 version of headkaze example: This format was most suitable in my case:
private func parseISO8601Time(iso8601: String) -> String {
let nsISO8601 = NSString(string: iso8601)
var days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0
var i = 0
while i < nsISO8601.length {
var str = nsISO8601.substring(with: NSRange(location: i, length: nsISO8601.length - i))
i += 1
if str.hasPrefix("P") || str.hasPrefix("T") { continue }
let scanner = Scanner(string: str)
var value = 0
if scanner.scanInt(&value) {
i += scanner.scanLocation - 1
str = nsISO8601.substring(with: NSRange(location: i, length: nsISO8601.length - i))
i += 1
if str.hasPrefix("D") {
days = value
} else if str.hasPrefix("H") {
hours = value
} else if str.hasPrefix("M") {
minutes = value
} else if str.hasPrefix("S") {
seconds = value
if days > 0 {
hours += 24 * days
if hours > 0 {
return String(format: "%d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds)
return String(format: "%d:%02d", minutes, seconds)
Quick and dirty implementation
- (NSInteger)integerFromYoutubeDurationString:(NSString*)duration{
if(duration == nil){
return 0;
NSString *startConst = @"PT";
NSString *hoursConst = @"H";
NSString *minutesConst = @"M";
NSString *secondsConst = @"S";
NSString *hours = nil;
NSString *minutes = nil;
NSString *seconds = nil;
NSInteger totalSeconds = 0;
NSString *clean = [duration componentsSeparatedByString:startConst][1];
if([clean containsString:hoursConst]){
hours = [clean componentsSeparatedByString:hoursConst][0];
clean = [clean componentsSeparatedByString:hoursConst][1];
totalSeconds = [hours integerValue]*3600;
if([clean containsString:minutesConst]){
minutes = [clean componentsSeparatedByString:minutesConst][0];
clean = [clean componentsSeparatedByString:minutesConst][1];
totalSeconds = totalSeconds + [minutes integerValue]*60;
if([clean containsString:secondsConst]){
seconds = [clean componentsSeparatedByString:secondsConst][0];
totalSeconds = totalSeconds + [seconds integerValue];
return totalSeconds;
Swift3,4,5 implementation: https://github.com/Igor-Palaguta/YoutubeEngine/blob/master/Source/YoutubeEngine/Parser/NSDateComponents%2BISO8601.swift
let components = try DateComponents(ISO8601String: "P1Y2M3DT4H5M6S")
Tests: https://github.com/Igor-Palaguta/YoutubeEngine/blob/master/Tests/YoutubeEngineTests/ISO8601DurationTests.swift
Update: fixed for DougSwith case "P3W3DT20H31M21"
slightly modifying function of the user
Sergei Pekar
+ (NSString*)parseISO8601Time:(NSString*)duration
NSInteger hours = 0;
NSInteger minutes = 0;
NSInteger seconds = 0;
//Get Time part from ISO 8601 formatted duration http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations
if ([duration rangeOfString:@"T"].location == NSNotFound || [duration rangeOfString:@"P"].location == NSNotFound) {
NSLog(@"Time is not a part from ISO 8601 formatted duration");
return @"0:00 Error";
duration = [duration substringFromIndex:[duration rangeOfString:@"T"].location];
while ([duration length] > 1) { //only one letter remains after parsing
duration = [duration substringFromIndex:1];
NSScanner *scanner = [[NSScanner alloc] initWithString:duration];
NSString *durationPart = [[NSString alloc] init];
[scanner scanCharactersFromSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"0123456789"] intoString:&durationPart];
NSRange rangeOfDurationPart = [duration rangeOfString:durationPart];
if ((rangeOfDurationPart.location + rangeOfDurationPart.length) > duration.length) {
NSLog(@"Time is not a part from ISO 8601 formatted duration");
return @"0:00 Error";
duration = [duration substringFromIndex:rangeOfDurationPart.location + rangeOfDurationPart.length];
if ([[duration substringToIndex:1] isEqualToString:@"H"]) {
hours = [durationPart intValue];
if ([[duration substringToIndex:1] isEqualToString:@"M"]) {
minutes = [durationPart intValue];
if ([[duration substringToIndex:1] isEqualToString:@"S"]) {
seconds = [durationPart intValue];
if (hours != 0)
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld:%02ld:%02ld", (long)hours, (long)minutes, (long)seconds];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld:%02ld", (long)minutes, (long)seconds];