I am trying to run Tomcat through Eclipse. This is something that I have done for the past several years. It was working yesterday and now it is not. The error I get is
I just noticed that same error here. Eclipse Juno + Apache 7 (7.0.27 and 7.0.29).
The server starts, I can use the application, but stills raising timeout error.
With Eclipse Indigo SR2 it runs correctly. I also noticed that my JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME variables were deleted (Maybe due some Java Update), so I set the variables again.
double-clicking Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost, change 'Host name' to your IP(IPv4). It used to be 'localhost'
I'm late to the party but this may help someone. Eclipse and tomcat adapter has broken with nio protocol. Change protocol in the port tag in server.xml to protocol="HTTP/1.1".