I was just re-reading What’s New In Python 3.0 and it states:
The round() function rounding strategy and return type have changed. Exact halfway cas
Python 3's way (called "round half to even" or "banker's rounding") is considered the standard rounding method these days, though some language implementations aren't on the bus yet.
The simple "always round 0.5 up" technique results in a slight bias toward the higher number. With large numbers of calculations, this can be significant. The Python 3.0 approach eliminates this issue.
There is more than one method of rounding in common use. IEEE 754, the international standard for floating-point math, defines five different rounding methods (the one used by Python 3.0 is the default). And there are others.
This behavior is not as widely known as it ought to be. AppleScript was, if I remember correctly, an early adopter of this rounding method. The round command in AppleScript offers several options, but round-toward-even is the default as it is in IEEE 754. Apparently the engineer who implemented the round
command got so fed up with all the requests to "make it work like I learned in school" that he implemented just that: round 2.5 rounding as taught in school
is a valid AppleScript command. :-)
The easiest way to round in Python 3.x as taught in school is using an auxiliary variable:
n = 0.1
round(2.5 + n)
And these will be the results of the series 2.0 to 3.0 (in 0.1 steps):
>>> round(2 + n)
>>> 2
>>> round(2.1 + n)
>>> 2
>>> round(2.2 + n)
>>> 2
>>> round(2.3 + n)
>>> 2
>>> round(2.4 + n)
>>> 2
>>> round(2.5 + n)
>>> 3
>>> round(2.6 + n)
>>> 3
>>> round(2.7 + n)
>>> 3
>>> round(2.8 + n)
>>> 3
>>> round(2.9 + n)
>>> 3
>>> round(3 + n)
>>> 3
Some cases:
in: Decimal(75.29 / 2).quantize(Decimal('0.01'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
in: round(75.29 / 2, 2)
out: 37.65 GOOD
in: Decimal(85.55 / 2).quantize(Decimal('0.01'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
in: round(85.55 / 2, 2)
out: 42.77 BAD
For fix:
in: round(75.29 / 2 + 0.00001, 2)
out: 37.65 GOOD
in: round(85.55 / 2 + 0.00001, 2)
out: 42.78 GOOD
If you want more decimals, for example 4, you should add (+ 0.0000001).
Work for me.
Python 2 rounding behaviour in python 3.
Adding 1 at the 15th decimal places. Accuracy upto 15 digits.
round2=lambda x,y=None: round(x+1e-15,y)
I recently had problems with this, too. Hence, I have developed a python 3 module that has 2 functions trueround() and trueround_precision() that address this and give the same rounding behaviour were are used to from primary school (not banker's rounding). Here is the module. Just save the code and copy it in or import it. Note: the trueround_precision module can change the rounding behaviour depending on needs according to the ROUND_CEILING, ROUND_DOWN, ROUND_FLOOR, ROUND_HALF_DOWN, ROUND_HALF_EVEN, ROUND_HALF_UP, ROUND_UP, and ROUND_05UP flags in the decimal module (see that modules documentation for more info). For the functions below, see the docstrings or use help(trueround) and help(trueround_precision) if copied into an interpreter for further documentation.
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def trueround(number, places=0):
trueround(number, places)
>>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to
rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4,
trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has
the same problem with floating point math. The return object will
be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
number is the floating point number needed rounding
places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
Note: Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
floats is needed
GPL 2.0
copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <signupnarnie@gmail.com>
place = 10**(places)
rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
if rounded == int(rounded):
rounded = int(rounded)
return rounded
def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
All rounding options are available from the decimal module including
>>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
>>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on
on which to be acted.
places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
Note: if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
GPL 2.0
copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <signupnarnie@gmail.com>
from decimal import Decimal as dec
from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
from decimal import ROUND_UP
from decimal import ROUND_05UP
if type(number) == type(float()):
number = str(number)
if rounding == None:
rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
place = '1.'
for i in range(places):
place = ''.join([place, '0'])
return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
Hope this helps,
Python 3.x rounds .5 values to a neighbour which is even
assert round(0.5) == 0
assert round(1.5) == 2
assert round(2.5) == 2
import decimal
assert decimal.Decimal('0.5').to_integral_value() == 0
assert decimal.Decimal('1.5').to_integral_value() == 2
assert decimal.Decimal('2.5').to_integral_value() == 2
however, one can change decimal rounding "back" to always round .5 up, if needed :
decimal.getcontext().rounding = decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP
assert decimal.Decimal('0.5').to_integral_value() == 1
assert decimal.Decimal('1.5').to_integral_value() == 2
assert decimal.Decimal('2.5').to_integral_value() == 3
i = int(decimal.Decimal('2.5').to_integral_value()) # to get an int
assert i == 3
assert type(i) is int