Take this object:
x = {
\"key1\": \"xxx\",
\"key2\": function(){return this.key1}
If I do this:
y = JSON.parse( JSON.st
It is entirely possible to create functions from string without eval()
var obj = {a:function(a,b){
return a+b;
var serialized = JSON.stringify(obj, function(k,v){
//special treatment for function types
if(typeof v === "function")
return v.toString();//we save the function as string
return v;
"{"a":"function (a,b){\n return a+b;\n }"}"
now some magic to turn string into function with this function
var compileFunction = function(str){
//find parameters
var pstart = str.indexOf('('), pend = str.indexOf(')');
var params = str.substring(pstart+1, pend);
params = params.trim();
//find function body
var bstart = str.indexOf('{'), bend = str.lastIndexOf('}');
var str = str.substring(bstart+1, bend);
return Function(params, str);
now use JSON.parse with reviver
var revivedObj = JSON.parse(serialized, function(k,v){
// there is probably a better way to determ if a value is a function string
if(typeof v === "string" && v.indexOf("function") !== -1)
return compileFunction(v);
return v;
function anonymous(a,b
/**/) {
return a+b;
To my knowledge, there are no serialization libraries that persist functions - in any language. Serialization is what one does to preserve data. Compilation is what one does to preserve functions.
I've had a similar requirement lately. To be clear, the output looks like JSON but in fact is just javascript.
works well in most cases, but "fails" with functions.
I got it working with a few tricks:
to get the JS code for a functionAnd here's how it looks like:
// our source data
const source = {
"aaa": 123,
"bbb": function (c) {
// do something
return c + 1;
// keep a list of serialized functions
const functions = [];
// json replacer - returns a placeholder for functions
const jsonReplacer = function (key, val) {
if (typeof val === 'function') {
return "{func_" + (functions.length - 1) + "}";
return val;
// regex replacer - replaces placeholders with functions
const funcReplacer = function (match, id) {
return functions[id];
const result = JSON
.stringify(source, jsonReplacer) // generate json with placeholders
.replace(/"\{func_(\d+)\}"/g, funcReplacer); // replace placeholders with functions
// show the result
document.body.innerText = result;
body { white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: monospace; }
Important: Be careful about the placeholder format - make sure it's not too generic. If you change it, also change the regex as applicable.