I am using the Google Maps Android API and I\'m running into some issues.
I am signing my apk with android studio (created one at .android/keystore.jks). Also I\'m s
1) Usually, you have to Clean and Rebuild the Project so it can work.
2) Make sure your build variant is on Release (Android Studio is friendly on this)
3) Also if you are debugging on your devices fully uninstall first then continue.
4) As the documentation says, make sure you have set up your manifest correctly.
Hope it helps.
You have two google_maps_api.xml files
One in this folder:
Other in this folder:
But only the debug one contains your API key probably.
Create new project in Android Studio with Google map Activity. After project automatically creates the SHA1 in the manifest. Use this SHA1 to get MAP api key. Test your app be sure it works. And after build you app on what project.
You also need to add SHA-1 generated by Google App signing certificate.
Once you publish your app you can find it in Google Play Console -> Development Tools -> Release management -> App signing -> App signing certificate.
More details on this in this here: Google Places for Android API key does not work on app from Play Store
the SHA1 currently you are using for debugging purpose .
So when you are creating a signed apk u have one kestore file. try to generate new SHA1 key with this new keaystore file.
then using this keystore file create API key for signed apk from google console.
replace debug API key already stored in manifest file with the new one.
It will work