I\'m trying Laravel for the first time after reading an announcement of the Laravel4 beta releasing.
I followed these steps I installed composer and laravel with all
Production way, moderate complexity for people not familiar with Unix, but more secure:
(groupadd web
(suppose your user is cool_user
, so run usermod -a -G web cool_user
group (for example, on CentOS php-fpm utilize apache
user name, so in most cases this will work: usermod -a -G web apache
recursively (chgrp -R web /path/to/project/root/
)chmod -R g+w /path/to/project/root/
(or some other) user files and folders be accessible from your user, make them receive group ownership same as their parent folder by setting groupid bit recursively on your project root directory (chmod -R g+s /path/to/project/root/
). Voila!.
Fast and dirty way, for those who doesn't care about security and want make it works at any cost, not secure:
chmod -R o=rwx /path/to/project/root/
further to above, if you're using a virtualbox/vagrant VM type environment, then on my Mac I needed to issue the chmod on the host (mac) system but on my Windows box, it was fine issuing the chmod direcly on the VM.
The webroot of your server should point to the /public
folder of your Laravel installation. This is where the index.html
file recides from where Laravel is initialized.
Your errors resulted because laravel couldn't write to the app/storage folder. The rest was just a stack trace. In order to make the storage folder writable, cd into your app folder and then run:
chmod -R 777 storage
Hey I got this error too and changing the write permissions didn't seem to work either. It turned out I needed to change the User and Group settings in apache's httpd.conf file. Here's a good tutorial for it: Enable Write Permissions for the Native Built-In Apache in Mac OS X Lion
I ran into this problem a few minutes back and using sudo chmod -R 777 storage seemed to help make the storage/meta/services.json writable. Just to add to what everyone has been saying. This worked for me.